test circuit


  • Experimentation indicates that this system can test circuit boards of locomotive control system .

    经实验测试,证明该系统可以 检测机车控制系统的各类 板卡

  • The paper gives the concept of cut-off current of vacuum circuit breaker presents the test circuit analyses the feasibility of peak voltage sampling on inductor introduces a microprocessor based test system .

    简述了对真空开关截流值的定义,给出了截流 测试 电路,分析了电感端电压峰值取样的可行性,介绍了一种微机测试系统。

  • Also the maintainability of this system is good with full on-board test circuit .

    系统具有完备的 调试 电路,良好的可维护性。

  • The article gives us the principle and structure of an on-line test circuit for transistor β value .

    文章介绍了一种晶体管β值在线 测试 电路的工作原理及结构。

  • Finally test circuit and program of ICE are introduced and test methods of each functions are also gave .

    最后,介绍了 在线仿真器的 测试程序和 测试 电路,并给出其各个 仿真功能的测试方法,完成了测试。

  • Experimental Study on Composite Test Circuit for Current limiting Fuse with High Ratings

    高压大电流限流熔断器合成 试验 回路的实验研究

  • In this paper the pulse current method for detecting partial discharge ( PD ) is analyzed and the PD test circuit was discussed .

    笔者详细分析了电流互感器局部放电的检测方法-脉冲电流法,以及局部放电检测的 试验 回路

  • A SOC Test Circuit Design and Implement Based on JTAG

    一种基于JTAG的SOC 测试 电路设计及实现

  • The main test circuit adopts the auxiliary amplifier method with phase compensation circuits in order to avoid self-excitation .

    运放参数主 测试 电路采用辅助放大器测试法设计,通过相位补偿网络消除电路自激现象。

  • Test circuit test method and results of race hazard circuit are presented in this paper .

    本文给出竞争冒险的 测试 电路、测试方法和测试结果。

  • And the concrete operation of temperature rise test of autotransformer the simplified test circuit and precision measurement were discussed .

    分析了自耦变压器各绕组段中的电流,探讨了自耦变压器温升试验中的具体操作、简化 试验 线路和精确测量。

  • Aiming at the typical test circuit the dissertation analyzes its designing idea and working principle .

    根据用户要求并结合所编写的 试验大纲,设计了 试验 液压 系统,针对典型的 试验 回路,分析了其设计思想和工作原理。

  • The electromagnetic induction coil may be used for signal detecting of high capacity current test circuit and circuit breaker .

    电磁感应线圈(茹可夫线圈)可用于大电流 试验 回路和断路器的信号检测。

  • According to the structure of hydraulic steering booster s and the work principle of steering system design of the test circuit and test principle for a steering booster are introduced in the article .

    根据液压转向助力器的结构和转向系统的工作原理,介绍了一种转向助力器 检测 回路的设计和测试原理。

  • The core to design a synthetic test circuit is to correctly reproduce the stresses applied on the thyristor valves .

    设计合成 试验 回路的核心在于如何正确地再现晶闸管阀上的负荷。

  • The Fault Diagnosis of Missile Test Circuit Based on GIS and Semi-qualitative Techniques

    基于GIS技术与半定性推理的导弹 测试 电路故障诊断

  • The test circuit test equipment calculating formula and test methods are introduced in this paper .

    本文简要地介绍了点火线圈的点火能量 测试 线路、测试设备、计算公式和测试方法。

  • The simulation and experimental results verify that the test circuit with a radial stub is better than that without .

    模拟和测试结果都表明,采用扇形线的 测试 电路性能较好。

  • This paper introduces the structure principle and making method for a kind of assembly test circuit .

    介绍了一种 测试工装 电路的结构原理及制作方法。

  • The strain data has been arithmetic processed which is convenient for subsequent analysis . Finally a test circuit board has been made and debugged . Test data has been obtained . The design feasibility and rationality have been verified .

    最后,制作了 实验 电路板,对其进行了调试,获得了实验数据,验证了设计的可行性和合理性。

  • This thesis designs test circuit of probe current and voltage and works the serial communication between PC and SCM out and realizes the real-time sampling and display of the characteristic curve .

    设计了探针电流、电压 检测 电路,并很好的解决了PC和单片机的串口通信,实现了实时采样和特性曲线的实时显示。

  • The structure of the main test circuit is automatically altered by switcher matrix when various parameters are measured .

    不同参数 测试 电路及量程的自动切换通过开关矩阵实现。

  • Test Circuit Using a Kind of Variable Frequency Technology to Compensate for Breaking Current Attenuation

    一种采用变频技术来补偿开断电流衰减的 试验 回路

  • Hardware includes the test circuit wireless transceiver and host computer communications ; we also developed corresponding software programs .

    硬件部分包括 测试 电路、无线收发和上位机通信,并编制了相应的软件程序。

  • This paper introduces the principle of operation and system structure of CCD sensor in the photoelectric precision measurement diameter system . The test circuit is given .

    介绍了CCD传感器在光电精密测径系统中的工作原理、系统结构及 检测 电路系统。

  • TMS320VC33 will be used to process data and this paper put forwards test circuit associated with DSP .

    采用TMS320VC33进行数据处理,给出了与DSP相连接的相关 检测 电路

  • The operational principle of applied voltage method the design of test circuit and outgoing line mechanism etc.

    文中首先介绍了外加电压法的工作原理; 测试 回路和引线机构的设计等;

  • The main part of the hardware test circuit is built respective and the experimental study is completed .

    分别对主要环节搭建了硬件 测试 电路,进行了实验研究。

  • Modern thyristor valves for HVDC are of high power rating and difficult to be tested in a conventional back-to-back test circuit .

    现代晶闸管阀的额定容量很高,难以使用传统的背靠背 试验 回路进行试验,合成 试验 回路是一种替代方法。

  • Fourth author designed test circuit board signal transfer circuit board 485 interface and USB HOST interface etc.

    第四,设计了 检测板、信号中转板、485接口和USBHost接口等 电路