test voltage

[计] 测试电压

  • Concerning the Voltage quality of the dielectric peculiarity parameters of gooseberries we lead in a critical voltage value if the test voltage is more than the critical voltage the capacitance and resistance decrease fast while the loss tangent increase rapidly .

    猕猴桃介电参数的电压特性有一电压临界值,当 信号 电压大于临界值时,电容和电阻迅速减小,损耗角正切急剧增大。

  • This paper gives a design of a novel withstanding voltage test device in which the test voltage can be adjusted automatically .

    介绍了一种新型自动调 的电气 耐压测试装置的设计。

  • Spark test voltage values given by the potential difference between the test electrode and the conductor of the core or cable under test shall be specified in the cable standard .

    火花 试验时,电极与被测试电线或电缆之间的 电位差的值在电线标准中有明确规定。

  • To test passive components the tester places a test voltage across the component under test and measures the current .

    在测试无源器件时,测试设备对被测试的器件施加一个 测试 电压后,测量电流。

  • But when increasing the test voltage Maxwell mechanical stresses will cause water to penetrate into the crazing zones thus making electric contact between the elongated water droplets .

    试验 电压上升时,Maxwell电机械应力将导致水分侵入裂纹区,并导致拉长的水滴间出现电接触。

  • The Experimental Study on Diffluent Equilibrium Controlling of Serial Battery Pile Charging for Electronic Vehicles ; Since the batteries used in the EV are in series it is difficult to test the voltage of every single battery .

    电动车电池组串联充电分流均衡控制实验研究电动汽车蓄电池组由多个蓄电池串联组成, 电压 测量有一定困难。

  • There are some differences in waveforms test voltage levels and technical specifications of ring wave generator circuits which have regulated by several immunity test standardization documents .

    不同标准的振铃波抗扰度试验信号波形定义、 试验 电压等级以及 试验信号发生器技术指标等都存在一定的差异。

  • The technology of Phase Locked Loop is used to realize synchronization of clock pulse and the test voltage 's frequency in order to ensure the measurement of veracity of φ .

    另采用锁相环技术实现时钟脉冲与 试验 电压频率同步,以保证长时间测量时φ值的准确性。

  • It can test cell voltage and analyze battery by using Wireless Battery Monitoring System together .

    配合先进的无线蓄电池 测试系统可实时监测单体电池 电压和综合分析蓄电池性能。

  • Research on environment test voltage loading method of electrical connector in vacuum

    电连接器真空环境 试验 电压加载方式研究

  • The equipment ensures automatic closing at current zero preset test voltage automatically and the effect is fine .

    设备自动保证过电流零点合闸,自动预置 试验 电压,试验效果好。

  • Based on the studies of characteristics of orthogonal projection for test voltage vector in branch space which consists of branch transfer impedance the method of locating fault branch by only one test is advanced in this paper .

    在研究了 测试电压增量向量在由支路转移阻抗矩阵组成的空间的正交投影的特性后,提出了仅一次测试的结果就可定位故障支路的方法。

  • On the sensor and the magnet test voltage measurement batch stability .

    进行了传感器与磁铁的批量稳定性 电压测量 试验

  • Meanwhile the process of producing test voltage and normal limit of leakage current is introduced in analyzing and treating of a large number of data .

    同时,在对大量数据的分析处理中介绍了 试验 电压、标准限值的产生过程。

  • In the paper the influences of altitude and atmosphere condition on external insulation test voltage are introduced and the effect mechanisms are analyzed respectively .

    介绍了海拔高度和大气条件对 高压产品外绝缘 试验 电压的影响及影响机理。

  • Get the actual model of the converter transformers in the insulation test voltage polarity reversal in the transient structural changes in the distribution of electric field for accurate converter transformer insulation structure for the design of useful applications conclusions .

    得到了实际换流变压器模型在极性反转 试验 电压下绝缘结构中瞬态电场变化的分布规律,为准确进行换流变压器绝缘结构设计提供了可参考的应用性结论。

  • When a flashover of tested equipment occurs in power frequency insulation experiments a protection equipment of restoring over-voltage is presented in this paper based on theoretic analysis to which the test voltage is applied from a testing transformer .

    从理论分析入手,介绍了一种应用 试验变压器 供电的工频绝缘试验中,当试品发生闪络时的恢复过电压保护装置。

  • Measurement of Voltage and Creep Age Distance Electrical Space Limits as well as Anti-electric Strength Test Voltage to Determine

    工作电压的测量与爬电距离、电气间隙限值以及抗电强度 试验 电压的确定

  • Automatic governing test of voltage and frequency for main generator .

    主发电机 电压,频率自动调节 试验

  • When power was off for predictive maintenance such as leaking etc. the test voltage was much lower than the running voltage and the response for some defects was not so sensitive .

    且停电作介质损耗、泄漏等预防性 试验时, 试验 施加 电压远远低于运行电压,对某些缺陷的反应也不够灵敏。

  • The number of test step test voltage step duration rate of rise can be adjusted at will .

    试验级数、 电压 等级耐压时间、电压上升率等均任意可调。

  • Shielding may also be applied to a conductor carrying a high level test voltage to prevent interference with nearby low level circuits .

    承载高 测试 电压的导体也应该采用屏蔽,以防止与邻近的低电平电路发生干扰。

  • Test Voltage and Correction Factor of External Insulation

    外绝缘 试验 电压与校正因数

  • This thesis is aimed to meet the actual needs of the equipment with higher test voltage level for the turn-to-turn insulation .

    本课题是以对磁极线圈更高 电压等级匝间绝缘 试验设备的实际需求而展开的。

  • By setting the frequency of test voltage far away from 50 Hz the interference of power frequency becomes bias-frequency interference .

    在用变频法进行介质损耗现场测量时,让 试验 电压偏离工频50Hz,使工频干扰成为异频干扰。

  • The test voltage for a luminaire that employs ampere-rated automotive type lamps shall be adjusted to the rated input voltage of the power supply .

    对于采用汽车额定电流型灯泡的灯具的 测试 电压应调至供电器的额定输入电压。

  • Since the batteries used in the EV are in series it is difficult to test the voltage of every single battery . self-contained portable electric lamp

    电动汽车蓄电池组由多个蓄电池串联组成, 电压 测量有一定困难。自给式手提蓄电池电灯