territorial waters

[ˌtɛrɪˈtɔriəl ˈwɔtəz][ˌterɪˈtɔ:ri:əl ˈwɔ:təz]


  • But it was China that in 1992 introduced the Territorial Waters Law in which it declared that these islands firmly controlled by Japan now belonged to China .

    然而中国却在1992年颁布了《 领海法》,宣称这些由日本完全控制的岛屿属于中国。

  • On China 's maps however the islands are inside a U-shaped line of its territorial waters which stretches down to cover most of the South China Sea .

    但在中国地图上,这些岛屿位于一条圈定其 领海的U形线 ,这条线向南延伸,囊括了大部分南海。

  • Fishing illegally in Foreign Territorial waters .


  • China maintains that the disputes concerning borders territory and territorial waters left over by history be solved through dialogues and talks so as to seek fair and reasonable solutions .

    对历史遗留下来的边界、领土、 领海争端,中国主张通过对话和谈判,求得公平合理的解决;

  • Unlike Hong Kong Macao does not have territorial waters and reclamation projects require special approval from Beijing .

    与香港不同,澳门没有 领海,其填海造地项目必须得到北京的特别批准。

  • The coastguard vigilantly guards our territorial waters .

    海防战士警惕地守卫着祖国的 海疆

  • Geneva Convention on the Territorial Sea The territorial waters is the water area administered by a state including inland water and territorial sea .

    日内瓦领海及毗连 公约 领水是一国主权管辖下的 全部水域,包括内水和领海。

  • The ship will remain outside Chinese territorial waters .

    这艘船将继续呆在中国 领海之外。

  • The British crew was conducting searches near the demarcation line that separates the territorial waters of Iran and Iraq .

    英国船员正在伊拉克和伊朗 领海划分线周围执行检查。

  • This Law shall be applicable to any State functionary or serviceman who commits a crime prescribed in this Law outside the territory and territorial waters and space of the People 's Republic of China .

    中华人民共和国国家工作人员和军人在 中华人民共和国领域外犯本法规定之罪的,适用本法。

  • The two locations of operation are 17 nautical miles from both the Zhongjian Island of Chinas Xisha Islands and the baseline of the territorial waters of Xisha Islands yet approximately 133 to 156 nautical miles away from the coast of the Vietnamese mainland .

    前后作业 海域距离中国西沙群岛中建岛和西沙群岛 领海基线均17海里,距离越南大陆海岸约133至156海里。

  • The method of work is detrimental to determine the real identity of foreign mariners in our territorial waters .

    这种做法不利于确定进入我国 领水的外籍船员的真实身份。

  • They were caught violating territorial waters .

    他们被发现侵犯了 领海

  • The ships were not expected to enter Israeli territorial waters .

    预计这些船只将不会进入以色列 领海

  • The open seas of the world outside the territorial waters of any nation .

    各国 领海以外的开放海域。

  • Yuen : shows that Huangyan Island is neither the possession nor in the territorial waters of the Philippines .

    阮次山:都说明了黄岩岛不是菲律宾的属地,不是它的 领海

  • We accept the outcome of the inquiry without prejudice to the unsettled question of territorial waters .

    我们接受了调查结果,并没有使悬而未决的 领海问题进一步恶化。

  • In1949 the court found Albania responsible for damage caused to British warships by mines in its territorial waters .

    一九四九年,法院判决阿尔巴尼亚应对其 领海 内水雷给英国军舰造成的损害负责。

  • Coastal waters means the harbours inland waters territorial waters and all other sea areas under the jurisdiction of the state along the seacoast of the People 's Republic of China .

    沿海水域是指中华人民共和国沿海的港口、内水和 领海以及国家管辖的一切其他海域。

  • All the cultural relics of Chinese origin or of unidentified origin or of foreign origin that remain in the Chinese inland waters and territorial waters ;

    遗存于中国内水、 领海 的一切起源于中国的、起源国不明的和起源于外国的文物;

  • The term territory designates the land territory and territorial waters of each of the Contracting Parties .

    “领土”一词系指缔约任何一方的领陆和 领水

  • They forbid any vessels to enter their territorial waters .

    他们禁止任何舰艇进入他们的 水城

  • Violating the integrity of a country 's territorial waters means committing aggression to it . The territorial waters is the water area administered by a state including inland water and territorial sea .

    对一国 领水的侵犯意味着破坏该国的 领土主权。领水是一国主权管辖下的全部水域,包括内水和领海。

  • Han 's Island rests partly within our territorial waters .

    韩的岛屿有一部分属于我国的 领海

  • Navigation in territorial waters of the other ;

    在他国的 领海航行;

  • Law of the Peoples Republic of China Concerning Territorial Waters and Contiguous Zone

    中华人民共和国 领海及毗连区法

  • The Kingdom of Norway is a Nordic country on the western portion of the Scandinavian Peninsula bordering Sweden Finland and Russia with territorial waters bordering Danish and British waters .

    挪威王国是一个北欧国家,位于斯堪的纳维亚半岛的西部, 领土与瑞典、芬兰和俄罗斯相邻, 领海与丹麦和英国相邻。

  • The clash over territorial waters and islands and the natural resources that go with them is a flash point in the Asia-Pacific region .


  • A number of governments banned the ship from their territorial waters .

    许多国家都禁止那艘船进入其 领海