


  • An Application of a Digital Library 's Terabyte Text Retrieval System

    数字图书馆 海量文本全文检索系统

  • For example two terabyte drives would result in about six terabytes of storage .

    例如,两 字节的驱动器会导致六太字节的存储。

  • Even if a failure occurs at a particular processor data is replicated and processing continues without interruption or loss of the rest of a computation making the system somewhat fault-tolerant and capable of sorting a terabyte of data very quickly .

    即使特定处理器上发生了故障,数据仍然会被复制,处理也将继续进行而不会中断或丢失剩余的计算结果,这使该系统具有一定的容错能力,能够非常快地排序 TB 的数据。

  • As database size grows into terabyte and petabyte the time and hardware resources required will grow substantially .

    当数据库大小增长到 GB和PB级时,所需的时间和硬件资源将极大的增长。

  • Wave glider can provide data by the terabyte .

    “波浪滑翔机”可以提供 规模 百万 字节 TB 级别的数据。

  • Per-disk capacity now exceeds a terabyte but a disk can nonetheless fill up quickly with large data files lengthy log files images and media files such as movies .

    单个磁盘的容量现在已经超过了 1TB,但是大型数据文件、日志文件、图像以及电影等媒体文件很快就把磁盘装满了。

  • You can buy terabyte external disks for under $ 100 and after your partition juggling you can use them to back up your important files to transfer large files between systems or in other ways .

    购买 千兆 字节的外部磁盘超 不过$100,篡改磁盘分区之后,您就可以使用它们备份您的重要文件,来在系统之间转移较大的文件,或者以其他方式。

  • The mass storage systems need to be saved Terabyte and Petabyte level even more massive data .

    海量存储系统中需要保存 Terabyte、Petabyte级别甚至更大规模的数据。

  • At United roughly a terabyte of customer data is floating around at any given time within its systems .

    联合 航空公司的系统中 无论任何时候都在 处理 1 字节左右的数据。

  • Just grab a terabyte of log files a cluster of commodity servers and get ready to roll .

    只需抓取一些 TB 日志文件,一个商品服务器集群,然后准备好开始工作。

  • With the advent of commercial successes like Yahoo ! and Google terabyte servers and network connections have replaced local hard disks as the preferred nonvolatile storage devices .

    随着Yahoo!和Google在商业方面的成功, TB 服务器和网络连接取代本地硬盘成为首选的非易失性存储设备。

  • They caught 18 flights traveling 38 thousand miles with two cameras that shot almost a terabyte of footage .

    他们 着两架摄像机乘坐了18次航班,行程3.8万公里,拍摄了将近 1TB的影片。

  • Snapshots of terabyte file systems are also supported !

    不支持 TB 文件系统的快照!

  • Another definition would be a database whose index can no longer fit in physical memory-even the terabyte memory of a supercomputer or cluster of machines he says .

    “另一种定义是,如果一个数据库的索引即使是超级计算机或计算机集群的 TB 物理内存都无法容纳,那么可以称之为超大数据库,”他说。

  • As an additional enticement or perhaps to make up for its limitations the Pixel comes with a whopping 1 terabyte of free storage on Google Drive enough to store most people 's photo and music collections many times over for 3 years .

    它还有个优点可能也是为了弥补它的局限性Pixel在GoogleDrive上有着巨大的 1TB 在线存储空间,足够供大多数人在3年中收藏照片和音乐。

  • Terabyte amounts of data transfer often require gigabit / sec performance .

    TB数量 的数据传输通常需要千兆位/秒的性能。

  • But the brand new wave glider sv3 processes data by the terabyte and networks with other wave Gliders in its vicinity basically creating an information-rich cloud stretching across the high seas .

    但是,全新的“波浪滑翔机 SV3”处理数据以及与附近其他“波浪滑翔机”进行网络传输的速度都是按照 TB 级别进行的,基本上形成了一个横跨公海,而且信息丰富的云。

  • The project took about three years to complete he said during which he shot about one terabyte of images and processed almost 10 composite layers for the final photo .

    他表示,该项目历时三年完成,他在此期间拍摄了大约 1TB的照片,进行了将近一万次图层复合,才得出最终的照片。