television camera

[ˈtɛləˌvɪʒən ˈkæmərə][ˈteliˌviʒən ˈkæmərə]


  • It contains a number of scientific instruments including a television camera .

    这枚 火箭装载着若干科学仪器,其中包括一 电视 摄像机

  • They also installed a television camera stanchion reconfigured a powersupply for an antenna assembly and performed several get-ahead tasks .

    他们还在太空站外安装了一个 电视 摄像头支架,重新配置了一个天线供电器并做了一些迎接今后任务的前期准备工作。

  • The visualization technique of inducting additional substance and sheet lighting are used to carry out flow visualization of the back-wall flowfield and the results are recorded with a convertional and a television camera .

    利用引入外加烟雾以及片光照明的显示技术进行背壁区域的流动显示,并用照相机和 摄象机记录显示结果。

  • Format and Type of Family Digital Television Camera

    家用数码 摄录 格式与类别

  • In addition to the usual telephone handset the equipment includes a small television screen and combined with the screen a television camera .

    这套设备除了一般的电话送话器以外,还包括一个小萤光屏和一个 电视 摄像机

  • A colour television camera analyses the light it receives into red green and blue .

    回答:彩色 电视 摄像机把接收到的光分解为红、绿、蓝三色。

  • Light-sensitive surface on a television camera tube .

    电视 显象管的感光表面。

  • Remote-controlled underwater television camera electrohydraulic remote-operated valve

    遥控水下 电视 摄影机电动液压遥控操纵阀

  • Solid state television camera channel

    固体 电视 摄象机信道

  • Its payload can include a color television camera and a forward-looking infrared sensor .

    它的负载能包括一套彩色 电视 摄像机和一套前视红外仪传感器。

  • Computer Program For Modeling Polarizer Cutting The Protecting methods for X-ray television camera

    偏振片切割的计算X线 电视 摄像管的保护措施

  • A television camera panned the stadium

    电视 摄像机摇摄整座体育场。

  • The utility model relates to a box-type cable reel which is used for a television camera shot a field operation and other places where power supply needs connecting .

    本实用新型涉及一种盒式电缆盘,用于 电视 摄像、野外作业和其它需要连接电源的地方。

  • Causes and Decreasing Methods of Image Lags for Television Camera Tubes

    电视 摄像管惰性的产生及降低方法

  • Low-light level television is an important branch of LLL night vision technology . It is a combination of television camera and monitor device which works in a low light intensity environment .

    微光电视是工作在微弱照度下的 电视 摄像和显示设备,它是微光夜视技术的重要分支。

  • The television camera accepts and makes available for immediate transmission a two-dimensional image that remains unrecorded and passes with the event like the image in a mirror .

    电视 摄像机接收并立即播出两维图像,这些图像未被留在胶片上,并随播出内容的消失而消失,如镜像一样。

  • The aberration equilibrium of the zoom optical system of television camera and the main aberrations have been simply discussed .

    简要介绍了变焦距 电视 摄像 镜头光学系统像差平衡方案及主要像差结果。

  • There 's a closed-circuit television camera in the reception area .

    接待处有一个闭路 电视 摄像头

  • The television camera also looks at a scene as a series of dots ; each dot of light is translated by the camera tube into an electronic signal .

    电子感生导 电视像管 电视 摄像机也是把景象看成一系列的点,每一个光点都被摄像管转换成一个电子信号。

  • His wife egged him on to buy a color television camera .

    他的妻子怂恿他买部彩色 电视 摄像机

  • An industrial television camera system is used to monitor and record the cutting process of iceland spar .

    利用工业 电视 摄像系统对冰洲石的切削过程进行观察和记录。

  • Television camera crews broadcast the event all round the world .

    电视 摄像人员对全世界发生的事件进行播放。

  • Comparing this tube with chalni con made in Japan and used frequently in X-ray television camera we consider that D7072 is very suitable for application in this camera .

    并与目前国内医用X线 电视 摄象机中常用的日本进口硒化镉摄象管进行了对比讨论,从而确认了D7072氧化铅摄象管在X线电视中的应用地位。

  • A television camera does not look at a scene as a whole in the same way as a film camera instead it scans the scene .

    电视 摄像机不像电影摄影机那样把一个镜头看成一幅完整的画面。相反,它扫描画面。

  • From the problems of pictures in current television teaching materials the triangle principle of film theory applied to the production of TV teaching materials is pointed out and use of triangle principle while shooting with a single television camera is explored .

    从当前电视教材的画面存在的问题出发,提出了应将电影理论中的三角形原理应用于 电视教材的制作,探讨了如何在单机 拍摄时运用三角形原理。

  • Intelligent television camera lens is an important corollary equipment of the radar intelligent television tracking system which integrates with characteristics of miniaturization intelligence and high reliability .

    在雷达智能电视跟踪仪中,智能 电视 摄像镜头是其重要的配套系统。它是一种集小型化、智能化及高可靠性于一体的 电视 摄像 镜头

  • Designing Zoom optical System of Television Camera

    变焦距 电视 摄像 镜头光学系统设计方法

  • Colour broadcast camera television camera registration

    彩色广播 电视 摄象机

  • The selection of an optimal spectral working band in television camera systems on board

    机载 电视 摄象系统中最佳光谱工作的选择