temperature inversion

[ˈtɛmpərəˌtʃʊr ɪnˈvə:ʒən][ˈtempəritʃə ɪnˈvɜ:ʒən]


  • The temperature inversion was strongest in winter and weakest in summer .

    冬季 逆温最强,夏季最弱。

  • Effect of Sloping Field Temperature Inversion on Fruits ' Avoiding Freezing Injury in Mountainous Region

    山地丘陵坡地 逆温效应对果树避冻的影响

  • Results are as follows : there is significant temperature inversion in this area . and the difference of the minimum temperature among different slope position ranges from 0.6 ~ 10 . 0 ℃ .

    结果表明.研究地也区受地形的影响存在着明显的 逆温 现象.不同坡位最低温度的温差最大达10.0℃.最小为0.6℃。

  • The turbulent characteristics in convective boundary layer topped temperature inversion were numerically investigated in terms of large eddy simulation .

    采用大涡模拟方法研究了存在 逆温 的情况 大气对流边界层的湍流特性。

  • The temperature inversion character is obvious in the morning and at night .

    冬季 温度 逆温特征明显。

  • A temperature inversion is a meteorological phenomenon where air temperature increases with height .

    逆温是一种 气温随高度而增加的一种气象现象。

  • Combined with the factors such as rainfall temperature inversion and others calculated results were analysed .

    结合降雨、 逆温等因素对计算结果进行了分析。

  • Temperature inversion of urban complex land surface by TM and its comparison with MODIS temperature product

    城市复杂地表TM 温度 反演及其与MODIS产品的比较

  • That the surface 's radiation cooling affects on the ground layer temperature inversion is presented as the relatively strong echo peak value corresponding to the temperature variety 's valley value .

    而地表的辐射冷却,对近地层 逆温的影响,表现为较强的回波强度峰值,对应气温变化的谷值。

  • The temperature inversion frequency gets highest in winter . The results indicate that the topped temperature inversion restrains the development of convective boundary layer .

    冬季的 逆温频率最高。计算结果表明:逆温梯度越大,对流边界层的发展越受到抑制;逆温层高度降低会影响整个对流边界层的温度抬升;

  • This article analyzes the influence of band spectral response function and band width to land surface temperature inversion .

    分析了波谱响应函数和波宽对红外 数据 反演地表 温度的影响。

  • The occurrence of temperature inversion leads to the departure of normal temperature gradient .

    山地 逆温现象使正常的温度梯度发生改变。

  • In the cases of thick temperature inversion the neural networks provide much better reproductions of the profiles than the statistical inversion .

    另外,对 温度廓线垂直结构 反演 性能的分析结果 表明,对于具有较厚 逆温 结构的 温度廓线,神经网络反演对廓线的复现能力优于线性统计反演。

  • Also shows that the single-window algorithm as a method of thermal infrared inversion of remote sensing is an effective surface temperature inversion .

    同时表明,单窗算法作为热红外遥感反演方法的一种行之有效的地表 温度 反演 算法

  • The analysis demonstrates that : ( 1 ) The upper temperature inversion which is the subsidence inversion appears together with the relatively strong deviating north air stream near to its top .

    分析表明:(1)上层 逆温与位于其顶部附近较为强劲的偏北气流是相伴出现的,其性质属下沉逆温。

  • To measure the far-field temporal and spatial distribution of laser intensity by using the calorimetric method the reconstruction theory of incident laser intensity temporal and spatial distribution by calorimeter based target surface temperature inversion is studied .

    为了把量热法应用于远场激光强度时空分布测量,研究了基于热像仪靶面 温度测量 反演入射激光强度时空分布的重构理论。

  • This paper analyzed the relation between surface concentration of SO_2 in Chongqing downtown and these weather conditions such as wind direction wind velocity temperature inversion fog and flow patterns near surface .

    本文分析了重庆市城市SO2地面浓度与风向、风速、 逆温、雾以及各种地面流场型式的关系,为研究城市大气污染分布和变化规律提供了科学依据。

  • To verify the temperature invertion algorithm Raman lidar temperature inversion results were compared with both the sounding data above Nanjing and the atmospheric model .

    算法验证方面,将拉曼激光雷达 温度 反演结果与南京上空的探空数据和大气模式数据进行对比,证明了温度反演算法的可靠性。

  • Duct where the atmosphere is relatively stable atmospheric regions there is often accompanied by low-level temperature inversion .

    大气波导现象所处区域大气层结比较稳定,常伴有低层 逆温

  • Study of Bifurcation and Chaos in Single-Phase SPWM Inverter A temperature inversion is a meteorological phenomenon where air temperature increases with height .

    单相SPWM逆变器的分岔及混沌现象分析 逆温是一种 气温随高度而增加的一种气象现象。

  • Through analysis it has been found that the low cloud and low visibility weather at Guangzhou Baiyun Airport on Mar 3 2006 was related with rainfall atmospheric stability and temperature inversion .

    文章得出广州机场2006年3月6日发生的低云低能见度天气过程的形成和发展与降水活动以及相关联的大气稳定度、 逆温 等因素有密切关系。

  • In inducing the hot infrared remote sensing and the atmosphere to the city hot infrared remote sensing influence physical mechanism foundation in we revised and has established one kind based on Landsat TM / ETM + remote sensing data surface temperature inversion simplification model .

    在归纳热红外遥感和大气对城市热红外遥感影响的物理机理基础上,修正并建立了一种基于LANDSATTM/ETM+遥感数据地表 温度 反演的简化模型;

  • The scale and methods need to be enhanced to measure atmospheric temperature in order to study greenhouse effect urban heat island effect temperature inversion layer gravity wave and so on .

    为了研究大气温室效应、城市热岛效应、 逆温层、地球重力波等问题,需要扩大大气温度测量的范围和手段。

  • Study on Component Temperature Inversion Algorithm and the Scale Structure for Remote Sensing Pixel

    地表组分 温度 反演方法及遥感像元的尺度结构

  • But sometimes there is an unusual weather condition called a temperature inversion .

    但有时会有一种被称作“ 温度 ”的不平常的天气状态。

  • In order to protect tea plants from frost damage in early spring it is necessary to know temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of near ground temperature under temperature inversion .

    为防止早春晚霜对茶叶的危害,首先要探明 逆温 条件下茶园近地气温和地温的时空分布特征。

  • An Analysis of a Strong Temperature Inversion Process over the Chukchi Sea Region in Arctic

    北极地区楚克奇海域一次强 逆温过程的分析

  • Synthesizing the temperature inversion model of infrared colorimetric theory and temperature compensation model of blowing gas the two-step internal calibration of the measurement system is completed .

    并综合比色测温原理的 温度 反演模型和底吹气体的温度补偿模型,完成测温系统的两步内定标。

  • Through analyzing the characteristics of the temperature inversion in mountain area with the previous monitoring data the results show that the arisen frequency of inversion in mountain area is very high and the sustained time is long and the situation mostly happens in low places .

    利用云南早期 温度 结探空实测资料对山区 逆温的特征进行了分析,结果表明:干季逆温出现频率高,山区逆温维持时间长,逆温主要发生在低层。