television terminal

[ˈtɛləˌvɪʒən ˈtɚmənəl][ˈteliˌviʒən ˈtə:minəl]


  • Driven by the communication technological revolution the boundaries of broadcasting and television publishing and telecom are disappearing and content transmission and terminal are gradually being converged which leads to media convergence .

    在传播技术革命的推动下,广播 电视、出版和电信等产业的边界不断消解,在内容、传输、 终端等环节日益走向融合,形成引人注目的媒介融合现象。

  • Television military news refers to military events as the object of expression with the live wires for radio waves satellite signal transmission way with great communication forms to TV news programs for terminal .

    电视军事新闻节目是指以军事事件为表达对象,以无线电波、卫星信号或导线为传播方式,以音画为传播形式,以电视为 终端的新闻节目。

  • In the near future different types of home appliances such as television refrigerator washing machine and other appliances will become network terminal in digital home network .

    在不久的将来,各类家电设备如 电视机、冰箱、洗衣机等都将成为数字家庭的网络 终端

  • Design and Implement of Handset Television Terminal Based on WLAN

    基于WLAN的手机 电视 终端的设计与实现

  • The distribution of program flow time was applied to provide VCR operations of interactive terminal . ( 5 ) A time-shift television system terminal software module was proposed .

    提出了一种时移 电视业务系统 终端的软件实现方法。

  • The business will be television or personal computer as a display terminal through the broadband network to provide digital broadcast television video services information services interactive communities interactive entertainment e-commerce and other broadband services .

    该业务将 电视机或个人计算机作为显示 终端,通过宽带网络向用户提供数字广播电视、视频服务、信息服务、互动社区、互动休闲娱乐、电子商务等宽带业务。

  • Design and Realization of a DMB-T-based Digital Television Terminal in Automotive Application

    一种基于DMB-T的车载数字 电视 终端的设计与实现

  • Set-top box ( STB ) of digital television refers to the information receiving and processing equipment with simulative television as the displaying terminal .

    数字电视接收机顶盒(STB)是指以模拟 电视机为显示 终端的信息接收和处理设备。

  • Television footage showed a mound of bodies lying on the terminal floor .

    电视画面上显示出 机场地板上的一堆血肉。

  • Television is more prevalent than personal computer in China so the Broad-Band media service must develop the terminal from personal terminal to set-top box terminal .

    中国的 电视机普及率远远高于PC(personalcomputer,个人计算机)机,因此,对于宽带流媒体服务来说,需要进行 接入 终端的扩展,从现有的PC终端扩展到机顶盒终端。

  • The Single Frequency Networks Optimization of High Speed Railway Mobile Television and Performance Analysis of the Receiving Terminal

    高速铁路移动 电视单频网优化及接收 终端性能分析

  • Plasma display panel ( PDP ) technology has achieved many excellent performances and it has been regarded as one of the best candidates for HDTV ( high-definition television ) a home entertainment terminal with very good display performance .

    彩色等离子体显示技术(PDP)被认为是最适合作为高清晰度 电视(HDTV)彩色显示 终端的技术之一。

  • 4G Convergence in television industry will represent as the combination of color TV PC multimedia-based entertainment terminal and other digital products .

    4G融合这个趋势体投射到 彩电行业,就表现为彩电与PC、多媒体娱乐 终端和其他电子产品之间在产品形态上的相互同化、相互融合。

  • With the recent development of television technology and the promotion of networks integration TV technology is more and more digital high definition personalized direction interacting with the terminal continuously strengthened .

    随着近年来 电视技术的发展和三网融合的推进,电视技术正在向数字化、高清化、个性化方向发展, 终端互动化的特性不断加强。

  • With the promotion of market competition Internet mobile communications and digital broadcast television are converging deeply on three aspects : business network and terminal while communications network structure is moving onto the direction of heterogeneous integration and ubiquitous .

    随着市场竞争的推动,当今互联网、移动通信和数字化的广播 电视网在业务、网络和 终端三个层面不断融合,通信网络结构正经历着向异构融合和泛在化的方向演变。

  • Analysis on Digital Television User Terminal Frequent Questions

    数字 电视用户 终端常见问题分析

  • This paper introduces the design and realization of digital television terminal in car based on Tsinghua University ′ s transmission protocol Terrestrial Digital Multimedia-Television Broadcasting ( DMB-T ) and Fujitsu ′ s MPEG-2 decoder .

    介绍了一种基于清华大学地面数字多媒体电视广播传输协议DMB-T和富士通MPEG-2解码芯片的车载数字 电视 终端的设计与实现。

  • A method to install television receive only terminal quickly and accurately with simple instruments is proposed based on a great deal of practical experiences and complementary angle principle .

    在大量实践经验的基础上,利用角度互余原理,提出了一种能够利用简单的仪器设备,快速、便捷、准确安装、调试 卫星 地面接收 的方法。