temporary memory

[ˈtɛmpəˌrɛri ˈmɛməri][ˈtempərəri ˈmeməri]


  • These pages occupy space in the temporary file but are not necessarily resident in memory .

    这些页占用 临时文件中的空间,但不一定会驻留在 内存中。

  • This essay deals with the study methods on how to improve English listening from the sound temporary memory and listening habit and other aspects .

    试从语音语调、 短暂 记忆和听力习惯等方面浅谈如何提高英语听力的学习方法。

  • To restore the default size of the temporary memory click default .

    要恢复 临时 内存的预设大小,请点按“预设”。

  • A kind of memory management algorithm for temporary objects is put forward in this paper which improves the speed of memory allocation and release has the constant time requiring and avoids the memory fragmentation .

    本文提出了一种新的应用于 临时对象的内存管理算法,该算法 内存分配和释放的速度都很快,时间需求十分固定,同时还避免了内存碎片的产生。

  • It 's a good idea not to change the temporary memory size unless you are confident you need to .

    除非您确定需要更改 临时 内存的大小,否则不要轻易更改它。

  • In her eyes it seems that I am not important in her memory I am just a temporary memory and sometimes inadvertently would quietly disappear .

    在她的眼里,似乎我不是重要的,在她的记忆里我只是一个 短暂 回忆,有时,在不经意间就会悄然的消失。

  • The ELF module is then read from user space into the temporary memory using copy_from_user .

    然后,通过copyfromuser函数将ELF模块从用户空间读入到 临时 内存

  • Temporary dynamic queues also known as point-to-point messaging is best for multi-threaded synchronous and non-rigid memory applications .

    临时动态队列,也称为点到点消息传递,最适合 内存要求不严格的多线程同步应用程序。

  • He suffered a temporary loss of memory .

    暂时丧失了 记忆

  • Working memory is a process of encoding maintenance and retrieval of temporary information and is one of the hotspots of learning and memory studies .

    工作记忆是 临时信息编码、保持和提取的过程,是学习 记忆研究的热点之一。

  • When the second-stage boot loader is in RAM and executing a splash screen is commonly displayed and Linux and an optional initial RAM disk ( temporary root file system ) are loaded into memory .

    当第二阶段的引导加载程序被装入RAM并执行时,通常会显示一个动画屏幕,并将Linux和一个可选的初始RAM磁盘( 临时根文件系统)加载到 内存中。

  • Any temporary data associated with a submitted form should be flushed from the memory .

    提交之后,任何与所提交表单相关的 临时数据都会从 内存清除。

  • In system startup the temporary root filesystem will be erected in memory and the system image files will be loaded when the system starts up .

    在系统启动时,在 内存中架设 临时根文件系统,并加载系统镜像文件。

  • The load_module function ( which resides in . / linux / kernel / module . c ) begins by allocating a block of temporary memory to hold the entire ELF module .

    loadmodule函数(位于./linux/kernel/module.c)首先分配一块用于容纳整个ELF模块的 临时 内存

  • Memory is only temporary storage area ; when processing is complete memory is cleared .

    内存只是一个 临时的存储区域,处理完成后 内存就被清空了。

  • It took the horrors of the first world war and its aftermath to induce the temporary lapse of memory under the Weimar Republic .

    只有恐怖的第一次世界大战及其后果,才使魏玛共和国时期的德国人 暂时 失忆

  • Conclusions It is suggested that + 10 G z / 3 min exposure may induce temporary disturbance of memory function and changes of behavior in rats .

    结论+10Gz3min暴露可引起 暂时 大鼠 记忆功能降低和行为改变。

  • Terminology to explain the back is only a temporary memory is always doomed to be forgotten and easy people to become impetuous superficial .

    背的名词解释只是 暂时 记忆,终归会忘,而且容易让人变得浮躁,流于表面。

  • Absolutely . a temporary memory loss is to be expected .

    绝对会。 暂时 失忆是意料之中的事情。

  • This paper introduces a temporary neural connection model reflecting the role of DNA-RNA-Pr systems and two observations on memory behaviors for modeling .

    本文介绍了一个能反映DNA-RNA-Pr系统作用的 暂时神经联系的模型以及为配合模拟而进行的两项 记忆行为的观察。

  • Information processing and temporary storage functions of the human share the limited resources in working memory which means the more the cognitive resources are consumed in the function of information processing the less the space is left for the information storage .

    人类信息加工与 暂时储存两种功能共享工作 记忆中有限的认知资源,如果信息加工消耗的资源多,可用于储存的资源就少。

  • A generational GC with per-thread allocation pools for temporary objects can make allocation cheaper but allocating memory is always more expensive than not allocating memory .

    带有线程分配池的内存管理机制会使创建 临时object的代价减小,但是分配 内存总没有不分配内存好。

  • In the prior steps the module sections are loaded into kernel ( temporary ) memory and you also know which are persistent and which can be removed .

    在前面的步骤,模块区段被加载到内核( 临时内存,并且知道哪个区段应该保持,哪个可以删除。

  • The key element is the use of the word cache : memcached provides temporary storage in memory of information that can be loaded from elsewhere .

    这里的关键是使用了术语缓存:memcached为加载自他处的信息提供的是 内存 暂时存储。