temporary provisions

[ˈtɛmpəˌrɛri prə'vɪʒən][ˈtempərəri prəˈvɪʒn]


  • Perfection of Regulations on Handling Malpractice Standards for the Classification of Malpractices and Temporary Provisions on the Technical Appraisal of Malpractice is the basis of correct and impartial appraisals ;

    完善《医疗事故处理条例》、《医疗事故分级标准》、《医疗事故技术鉴定 暂行 办法 是鉴定结论准确、公正的基础;

  • Temporary Provisions on the Management of the Liberalized Telecom Service Market

    放开经营的电信业务市场管理 暂行 规定

  • After 4-time revisions of the Temporary Provisions and 7-time revisions and additions to ROC Constitution the main standpoint as defined by the Constitutional One China remains unchanged except for the addition of One Country Two Areas and some other elements .

    在四次修改《 临时 条款 和七次增修中华民国宪法后,宪法一中的核心立场仍然未变,但增加了一国两区等其他因素。

  • Now during the teaching period with so many folks having left the planet there is going to be a lot of temporary provisions .

    现在,在教导期间,随着如此多的人已经离开地球,会有许多 临时 供应

  • Temporary Provisions on Administrative Disciplinary Punishment of the Activities Violating the Law and Discipline in Safe Production Area

    安全生产领域违法违纪行为政纪处分 暂行 规定

  • Those who have entered for a temporary stay shall register for temporary residence in accordance with the same provisions .

    入境暂住的,应当按照户口管理 规定办理 暂住登记。

  • May in last year central government has introduced 《 Communist party of China member and administration temporary provisions which leading cadre accountability 》 . It has some localities and departments to implement the accountability system for leading cadres to further standardize and institutionalize .

    去年5月,中央出台了《关于实行党政领导干部问责制的 暂行 规定》,将一些地方和部门已经实行了一段时间的领导干部问责制进一步规范化和制度化。

  • The reason is that accounting method is based on the new business accounting system and related regulations while the declaration of tax is regulated by 《 temporary regulation of the business enterprise income tax 》 and other related detailed rules and existing provisions .

    究其原因,会计核算主要以《企业会计制度》及相关会计准则为依据,而申报纳税则主要以《企业所得税 暂行条例》及实施细则和其他相关 规定为准绳。

  • Deficit reduction phases in slowly under the agreement which is something but those needed temporary provisions are nowhere to be seen .

    根据协议,减赤将逐步缓慢进行,这很不错,但必须的 临时 保障却不见了踪影。

  • Issue will it be April 14 2005 enterprise state-run property right transfer temporary provisions to administration and supervision authorities Is it forbid administration and supervision authorities take trust way assign enterprise state-run regulation of property right indirectly to issue .

    2005年4月14日颁布的《企业国有产权向管理层转让 暂行 规定》出台了禁止管理层采取信托方式间接受让企业国有产权的规定。

  • Analysis on the Licensed Physician Law and the Temporary Provisions on Licensed Pharmacist Qualification

    《执业医师法》与 执业药师资格制度》的对比与分析

  • Article 17 For a temporary overnight stay in China aliens shall complete registration procedures pursuant to the relevant provisions .

    第十七条外国人在中国境内 临时住宿,应当依照 规定,办理住宿登记。

  • A Probe Into the Temporary Provisions of Merging Financial Report Forms

    合并报表 暂行 规定探析

  • The temporary provisions play a positive role in standardizing the accounting treatment of goods futures but there are still some defects in the current treatment method .

    暂行 规定在规范商品期货业务方面起到了积极的作用,但现行的处理方法还存在一些缺陷。

  • The temporary use of grasslands for state construction shall be effected in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations Concerning Land Requisition for State Construction .

    国家建设 临时使用草原,按照《国家建设征用土地条例》的 规定办理。

  • Any bridge or partially constructed bridge that is expected to be temporary for more than five years shall be designed using the requirements for permanent structures and shall not use the provisions of this article .

    预期 临时 期限为5年以上的任何桥梁或部分施工桥梁,应使用永久结构的要求进行设计,而不得使用本 条款

  • No aircraft may enter prohibited areas or temporary prohibited areas without special approval obtained in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State .

    未按照国家有关 规定经特别批准,任何航空器不得飞入空中禁区和 临时空中禁区。

  • The 1974 Prevention of Terrorism ( Temporary Provisions ) Act is the first British law for anti-terrorism in Britain island .

    1974年《预防恐怖活动( 暂行 规定)法》是英国第一部针对大不列颠境内恐怖主义犯罪的法律。