temperature reaction

[ˈtɛmpərəˌtʃʊr riˈækʃən][ˈtempəritʃə riˈækʃən]


  • Experiments with several types of carboxylic acid have been done to inquire into their reactions with potassium permanganate solution so as to find out the changes affected by different density of reactor temperature of reaction and structure of carboxylic acid .

    摘要以几种不同类型的羧酸为例进行羧酸与高锰酸钾溶液反应的实验探究,分析了反应 的浓度、反应的 温度及羧酸结构对 反应的影响。

  • Synthesis of α - Sialon by High Temperature Nitridation Reaction

    高温氮化 反应制备α-Sialon

  • Microstructure and Properties of Magnesium Matrix Composite Fabricated by Low Temperature Reaction Melting

    低温 反应自熔制备Mg基复合材料的组织与性能

  • The effects of catalyst and temperature on reaction were examined .

    研究了催化剂和 温度反应的影响。

  • The results indicated that n-heptane showed the two-stage auto-ignition and heat release with low temperature reaction ( LTR ) and high temperature reaction ( HTR ) and heat release with HTR is consist of blue-flame reaction and hot flame reaction .

    结果表明,正庚烷的燃烧过程由高温反应和 低温 反应两个阶段组成,高温反应阶段又可以分为蓝焰反应和热焰反应两个阶段。

  • The effects of cobalt content calcination temperature reaction temperature reaction time and pressure were investigated .

    考察了不同钴含量、催化剂焙烧 温度反应温度、反应时间和压力对催化剂活性的影响。

  • The main influencing factors are the catalyst the reaction gases pyrolysis temperature reaction time and so on .

    主要的影响因素有催化剂种类、反应气体、裂解 温度反应时间等。

  • Based on orthogonal test the factors influencing the synthesis of di-n-propyl phosphite such as reaction temperature reaction time and molar ratio of reactant were investigated .

    通过正交优化试验,考察了 温度、时间和物料配比对二正 丙基亚磷酸酯的合成收率的影响。

  • The influences of the factors such as ethanol solution sodium hydroxide propylene oxide reaction temperature reaction time on apparent viscosity and water insoluble substance of HPG are studied .

    研究了合成过程中乙醇溶液、氢氧化钠、环氧丙烷、反应 温度反应时间等因素对产品表观黏度和水不溶物含量的影响。

  • This paper presents a fuzzy expert controlling technology to deal with the problem of temperature in reaction tower which is used in the powdery explosive product line .

    本文通过采用模糊专家控制技术来处理粉状炸药连续生产工艺中 性塔 温度的控制问题。

  • The influence of catalysts solvents reaction temperature and reaction time on the product distributions was investigated emphatically .

    考察了催化剂、溶剂、反应 温度 反应时间对重排产物分布的影响。

  • The change of viscosity and average molecular weight of heavy oil from Liaohe oilfield with temperature and reaction time are investigated in the paper .

    探讨了在注蒸气 条件 ,稠油的粘度和平均分子量随蒸气 温度反应时间的变化规律,研究了金属盐、油层矿物对稠油水 裂解反应的影响。

  • Temperature Distribution and Input Pipe Length in Constant Temperature Reaction Tank

    恒温 反应流体输入管内温度分布与合理管长

  • Grasp the characteristics of simple order reaction know how to study chemical kinetics know the effect of temperature on reaction rate and its application .

    掌握简单级数反应的特点和规律,掌握研究反应动力学的方法。掌握 反应速率与 温度的关系及其应用。

  • The effects of concentration reaction temperature and reaction time on the degree of deacetylation and viscosity average molecular weight were investigated .

    本文采用粘度法测出了苎麻纤维的粘均分子量,分析探讨了不同整理液浓度、 温度与纤维 分子量之间的关系。

  • To resolve these problems technicians adjusted the reaction temperature reaction pressure and circulation ratio .

    为此,对反应 温度反应压力、循环比进行了调整。

  • Influence of reaction temperature reaction time and catalyst dosage on the yield of hexanoic acid was investigated .

    分别考察了反应 温度反应时间和催化剂物质的量对己酸收率的影响。

  • Study on technology of Cu ( gly ) _2 prepared by room temperature solid-state reaction

    室温 固相法制备甘氨酸铜的工艺研究

  • Taking the concentration of hydrogen peroxide reaction temperature reaction time as investigation factor the optimum conditions were determined through orthogonal experiment .

    结果表明:过氧化氢浓度对醋中总酯含量影响最大,其次是 加热 温度处理时间影响最小。

  • The effects of catalyst roasting temperature reaction time reaction temperature raw material mole rate and amount of catalyst on the coversion of acrylic acid were studied .

    试验考察了催化剂焙烧 温度反应时间、反应温度、原料配比和催化剂用量对丙烯酸转化率的影响。

  • This review covers the developments in the field of high temperature chemical reaction occurring in D.

    本文对近年来国内外关于直流电弧放电中的 高温化学 反应的应用进展进行了综述。

  • It 's a room temperature reaction .

    这是个 室温 反应 热力学 过程

  • In-Situ Fabricated MgO Particulate Reinforced Magnesium Matrix Composite by Low Temperature Reaction Melting

    低温 反应自熔法原位合成MgO颗粒增强镁基复合材料

  • The residual sludge from Licunhe wastewater treatment plant was hydrolyzed by alkali hydrolysis to extract protein at different ratio of solid to liquid at different temperature reaction time and pH.

    为充分提取污水污泥中的细胞蛋白,实现污泥的增值利用,以青岛市李 村河污水处理厂剩余污泥为材料,采用碱 水解法提取剩余污泥中的蛋白质。

  • The results showed that the thickness of hollow fibers increased with reaction temperature and reaction time .

    实验结果显示空心碳化矽纤维壁的厚度会随著 反应时间与 温度的增加而增加。

  • The effects of the molar ratio of activated tapioca starch to maleic anhydride the reaction temperature and reaction time on degree of substitution of esterified starch were examined .

    讨论了活化木薯淀粉与马来酸酐的摩尔比、反应 温度反应时间对酯化淀粉取代度的影响。

  • How to reduce the temperature of reaction is expected to reduce the foot .

    怎么样可以降低 反应 温度而使脚料减少。

  • Influence of the Sizes of Heat Exchange Fins in High Temperature Reaction Stills on Their Heat Exchange Property

    高温 反应塔内换热翅片尺寸对其传热性能的影响

  • The relationship between ratio of graft and cerousion concentration monomer concentration temperature of reaction were discussed .

    讨论了 接枝率与铈离子浓度、单体浓度、 温度的关系;