telephone cable

[ˈtɛləˌfon ˈkebəl][ˈtelifəun ˈkeibl]


  • Development and application of thixotropic room temperature filling compound for telephone cable


  • A thixotropic room temperature filling compound for telephone cable is developed .

    开发了一种触变性可室温填充的 电缆填充料。

  • High Speed Extrusion and Coating Property of PE for Telephone Cable Insulation Material

    聚乙烯 电话 线缆绝缘料高速挤出包覆性能研究

  • This article aims at the telephone cable test ' technology performance in China and introduces the design procedure of Smart Instruments .

    本文立足于提高国内 通信 电缆 电容测试设备的技术性能,引入智能仪器的设计概念,对 通信 电缆 电容测试仪进行了全新的设计。

  • There is no dial tone . Please make sure that your telephone cable is plugged in to your computer and your telephone outlet .

    没有拨号音。请确保 电话 线已插入计算机和电话端口。

  • The Serialization Design of Marine Anchor & Mooring Equipment Hydraulic Drive System ; pair twisted telephone cable for ship

    船舶锚机绞缆机液压驱动系统系列化设计研究船用对绞式 电话 电缆

  • Design for automatic alarm in the telephone cable cut - out

    电话 电缆断线自动报警器的设计

  • Factors and Solutions of the Lower Insulation Resistance in Telephone Cable

    市话 电缆绝缘电阻低的因素及解决方法

  • This article makes a thorough theoretical study of the insulation resistance of non filled plastic telephone cable .

    本文对非填充全塑 市话 电缆的绝缘电阻进行了深入的理论研究。

  • The Telephone Cable Video Image Transmission System Based on DSP

    基于DSP的 电话 线视频图象传输系统

  • Design & production of foam - skin insulation single wire for telephone cable

    泡沫/实心皮绝缘 市话 电缆绝缘单线的设计与生产

  • Study of the high speed extrusion property of PE for telephone cable

    聚乙烯绝缘 市话 电缆高速绝缘挤出性能研究

  • It developed transoceanic radiotelephone links and telephone cable systems and created the Telstar satellite communications system .

    它发展了跨洋无线电电话联系和 电话 缆线系统,并开创了通讯卫星系统。

  • Incity telephone cable with rubber insulation

    橡胶绝缘市内 电话 电缆

  • A telephone cable from a local exchange to a central exchange .

    一种从本地交换局到中心交换局的 电话 电缆

  • Performance analysis and process control of all plastic telephone cable

    全塑 市话 电缆性能分析与工艺控制

  • Development of non filled plastic telephone cable with ultra high insulation

    超高绝缘非填充全塑 市话 电缆的研制

  • A dial tone was not detected . Please check your telephone cable connections and be sure the line is not in use by someone else .

    未检测到拨号音频,请检查 电话 线 电缆连接情况,并确认是否有其他人正使用该线路。

  • Through the phones connected by over 100 000 miles of built-in telephone cable .

    电话通过由10万多英里长的内部 电话 线连接起来。

  • Multi channel Signal Telemetry System for Coal Mines with Carrier Wave Transmitted by Telephone cable

    利用 电话 线载波的煤矿多路信号遥测系统

  • Dangerous Effect of Transmission Line on Urban Telephone Cable and its Prevention

    送电线路对 市话 电缆 线路的危险影响及防护

  • A brief introduction to the take-up of high speed telephone cable tandem line

    一种高速 市话 电缆串列线自动收线器的简介

  • Paper-insulated lead-enclosed incity telephone cable

    纸绝缘铅包 市话 电缆

  • The phenomenon of lower insulation resistance often occurs in the process of telephone cable manufacturing .


  • Since the first transatlantic telephone cable was laid the annual total of telephone calls between UK and Canada has increased sevenfold .

    自从第一条横跨大西洋的 电话 电缆敷设以来,英国与加拿大之间的年通话量增加了六倍。

  • Pair twisted telephone cable for ship

    船用对绞式 电话 电缆船舶及海上平台电缆

  • The statistical process control used in production line of telephone cable


  • Application : For delivering wire cable telephone cable optical fiber cable stay cable and steel rope especially for export .

    用途:供电线、电缆、 、光缆、钢缆、钢索包装交货及线缆出口包装交货用。