


  • What is more this system offers video validation for telesignalling data of SCADA system .

    本系统对SCADA系统的 信息提供了视频验证。

  • The overall constitution of this distribution network automation system the hardware configuration of telecontrol equipment the principles of telemetering telesignalling and telecommand are introduced . The functions of PLC core and the communication protocol are emphasized .

    介绍了该配电自动化系统的总体构成,远动装置的硬件配置及遥测、 、遥控原理,着重说明PLC芯片的功能及其与微机的通信规约。

  • The operation survey of SE module the control of telemetering and telesignalling the origin of suspicious data and factors influencing the eligible rate of SE are described .

    简述了状态估计 程序及模块的生产运行概况、遥测/ 的控制 手段、可疑数据的来源以及导致状态估计合格率下降的原因。

  • With the four former functions : telemetering telecontrol teleadjusting and telesignalling there has been developed five remote function . The ITAS-480 can realize these five remote function .

    加上以前的四遥即遥测、遥控、遥调和 功能,使变电站具有五遥功能。

  • Based on theory research the video surveillance system provides the function of image action to telesignalling data which makes SCADA system and video surveillance system syncretize organically .

    课题在理论研究的基础之上,实现了图像监控系统的 联动功能,将SCADA系统和图像监控系统有机地融合在一起。

  • Identification of useless telesignalling using syntactic pattern recognition method

    利用句法模式识别 系统 处理 信息

  • A city street lighting systems typically control box there will be a few hundred to tens of thousands of light poles lighting system will produce a large number of telemetry data telesignalling .

    个城市的路灯照明系统通常会有几百个控制箱、几万个灯杆, 因此照明系统中会产生大量的遥测 的数据。

  • The paper presents how the sub master station of the SCADA system in Lijin processes the wrong action of telesignalling from the hardware stucture remoulding and software design .

    介绍了利津供电公司SCADA系统的RTU分站系统从硬件结构改造和软件设计 方面对 误动的 处理,同时编写出了 误报判断的程序,并与主系统程序连接。