telephone box

[ˈtɛləˌfon bɑks][ˈtelifəun bɔks]


  • I stumbled into the telephone box and dialed 999 .

    我跌跌撞撞地进了 电话 拨了999。

  • Under phone number type the number supplied to you by the ISP in the telephone number box .

    在“电话号码 下面的“ 电话号码 中键入isp给您提供的号码。

  • Where is the nearest telephone box ?

    最近的 电话 在哪里?

  • The car slowed down and pulled up by the telephone box .

    车子放慢了速度,在那个 电话 旁边停住了。

  • This is valid for text search URL telephone email password date pickers number check box radio button and file fields .

    这对于文本、搜索、URL、 电话、电子邮件、密码、日期选择器、数字、复选 、单选按钮和文件等字段有效。

  • The occupants of the quarter tried to report the truth to the government through the mayor 's public telephone and mail box but it 's just like a stone dropped into the sea no response at all .

    小区的业主通过市长公开 电话和市长空开 信箱发送信息,想把事实向政府部门陈述,然而,有如石沉大海,根本就没有回音。

  • Interruptions like a ringing telephone will do it as will an error message box .

    例如 电话突然响了,这样会打断流状态,错误消息 对话框的出现同样如此。

  • She said the storm had brought down the telephone lines and I 'd need to go to the signal box .

    她说是暴风雨把 电话线给吹断,我要到信号 去。

  • This shower telephone box won the Blueprint award at100 % Design in London this year .

    此款 电话 浴室设计荣获今年伦敦“蓝图”设计大奖。

  • The major was at the telephone sitting on box .

    少校坐在一 木箱 电话

  • A pensioner has found a novel use for an old red telephone box turning it into a lavatory .

    英国一位退休老人近日极富创意地将一座陈旧的红色 电话 改造成一间室外卫生间。

  • There 's a telephone box at the crossroads .

    十字路口处有个 电话

  • Where is a telephone box ?

    哪里有 电话

  • A telephone call made within a local calling area . I 'll call the box office downtown and see what the ticket situation be .

    在本地电话区域内的 电话。我会打电话给市内几家剧场的 票房,看看票子情况如何。