

  • It is necessary to employ the joint replacement telenet clinical system to compensate for the different medical treatment level among various areas .

    为解决医疗水平的地区性差异,有必要采用 网上关节置换临床系统。

  • Research on Network Management for the Remote Distance Education Network Study of mechanics educational telenet


  • The first Attempt of Guizhou Minority Area 's Computer Telenet Education

    贵州民族地区计算机 网络 远程教育初探

  • In communications Telenet Communication Corporation a packet switching transmission service .

    在通信 技术中, 美国 Telenet通信公司 提供的分组交换传输业务

  • During the teaching of the contemporary information technology the education of the telenet is very important .

    在现代信息技术教学过程中, 网络 远程教育是不可缺少的。

  • Implementation of Telenet Client Option Negotiation Based on Petri Net Model

    基于Petri网模型的 Telenet客户机选项协商实现

  • The Test - system on Telenet and Its Security

    远程 网络考试系统及其安全性

  • Using the feature of the virtual reality technology tap the virtual experiment segment online education and vividly do many really experiments or finish some problems in traditional education all these have become the key segment of the contemporary telenet education .

    利用虚拟现实技术的特点,开发网上教育的虚拟实验环节,生动地进行现实中的实验或完成一些在传统教育 方式 难以完成的教学,已经成为现代 远程教育关键的环节。