television conference

[ˈtɛləˌvɪʒən ˈkɑnfərəns][ˈteliˌviʒən ˈkɔnfərəns]

[计] 电视会议

  • Russian television had announced a news conference by summit participants would be broadcast live but viewers were told the event was delayed and would begin shortly .

    俄罗斯 电视 先是宣布将对上海合作组织成员国领导人参加的新闻 发布会进行直播,但是观众后来被告知发布会被推迟,稍后再开始。

  • Television Conference Video Conference New Service Development Status

    会议 电视业务发展状况

  • They held a joint television news conference from space .

    他们在太空联合举行了 电视新闻 发布会

  • The words of Cohabitation homosexuality fertility before marriage divorce and remarriage appear frequently in the American media such as newspapers television as well as academic research conference .

    同居、同性恋,未婚先育,离婚,再婚等频繁出现在美国报刊, 电视与学术研究 会议等媒体上。

  • In addition Mr Bernanke has given an interview to the 60 minutes television programme and held something that looked like a press conference in February another break with precedent .

    此外,伯南克还接受了《60分钟》(60minutes) 电视节目的采访,并于2月份举行了类似于新闻 发布会的活动这是又一破例之举。

  • The key technology to video conference television is video conference image signal processing .

    视频 会议图像信号处理是视频会议 电视的关键技术。

  • Several television stations gave spot coverage to the conference .

    好几 电视台对 大会作了现场报导。

  • Influenced by television magazine and other public media and environmental factors more and more teenagers are picking up cigarettes Zhao Tao the disease control section chief of Beijing health bureau said at a press conference Tuesday .

    在周二的一场新闻 发布会上,北京市卫生局疾控科科长赵涛说:受 电视、杂志和其他公共媒体以及环境因素影响,越来越多的青少年开始吸烟。

  • Stereoscopic video includes the depth information of scenes which is more realistic in the characterization of natural scenes and has unfolded the broad application prospect in the 3D television 3D video conference with sound-surround ambiance and virtual reality .

    立体视频蕴含了景物的深度信息,在自然场景的表征上更具有真实感,在3D 电视、具有临场感的可视 会议及虚拟现实等领域展现了广阔的应用前景。

  • Forever Kobe makes its television debut Friday night as the Miami Heat hosts the Indiana Pacers for Game 2 of the Eastern Conference final .

    《永远的科比》周五晚上在 电视上首次亮相,也正是东部 联盟决赛第二场,迈阿密热火队主场对阵印第安纳步行者队。

  • The visual models and the statistical models of pictures are reviewed at first then the predictive coding and the transform coding and their application in television video conference and videotelephone are discussed .

    首先介绍图象的视觉模型和统计模型;然后讨论预测编码,变换编码工作的进展及其在 电视会议电视以及可视电话上的应用;

  • In recent years multi-view video coding technique has become more and more popular because of its wide variety of future interactive multimedia applications such as 3D television free-viewpoint television surveillance and video conference .

    近年来,由于在三维电视、自由视点 电视、视频监控和视频 会议等诸多交互式多媒体领域具有广泛的应用前景,多视点视频技术受到人们越来越多的关注。

  • Today the lingerie show held once a year there are hundreds of millions of people watched via live television or network Victoria 's Secret lingerie conference the entire process .

    如今,该内衣秀每年举办一次,都有数亿人通过 电视 转播或网络直播观看“维多利亚的秘密”内衣 发布会的整个过程。

  • High definition video has been widely used in radio and television video conference streaming media service and other aspects .

    高清视频已经广泛的应用于广播 电视、视频 会议、流媒体服务等各个方面。

  • In this paper we firstly described several fundamental requirements on the design of a low - speed interface for the multimedia television conference system . Considering these requirements we proposed a design scheme .

    文中首先提出多媒体 会议 电视系统中低速接口设计的几个基本要求,再在此基础上给出一种设计方案。

  • It can be used in colour digital television conference system digital microwave channel equipment optical fibre equipment or multiplex equipment .

    这两种接口可分别用于彩色数字 会议 电视系统和数字微波信道设备、光纤设备或复接设备。

  • In a television press conference Mr Kan said all possible measures were being taken to prevent more radiation from escaping .

    在一个 电视 直播的新闻 发布会上,菅直人说,官方正在采取一切可能措施防止发生更多核泄露。

  • IPTV service also not limits to traditional television service video on demand distance education online games video conference short messages and so on will be integrated into IPTV service .

    而IPTV的业务也不仅仅局限于传统 电视业务,视频点播、远程教育、在线游戏、视频 会议、短信等都将融合在IPTV业务中,带给用户多种方式的互动体验。

  • This paper introduces the practical image communication system including television conference and industrial television which can be applied in coal mine with the characteristics of safety strong anti disturbance low cost and so on .

    本文介绍了一种用于煤矿的包括 电视 会议、工业电视的图像通信系统,该系统具有本质安全、抗干扰能力强、成本低等特点。