


vt.& vi.分辨,辨别告诉,吩咐泄漏保证



  • You never can tell what life is going to bring you .

    你永远不 知道人生会给你带来些什么。

  • The evidence of our eyes tells us a different story

    我们 亲眼所见的可 不是那么一回事。

  • Her parents did not approve of her decision and if she failed her mother would say ' I told you so . '

    她父母不赞同她的决定,要是她失败了,她妈妈就会说:“怎么样,我 了吧?”

  • I couldn 't tell if he had been in a fight or had just fallen down

    我不 知道他是和人家打架了,还是仅仅摔了一跤。

  • He told his story to The Sunday Times and produced photographs


  • A passer-by told the driver to move his car so that it was not causing an obstruction

    一个过路人 那个司机把他的车挪一挪,免得挡道。

  • Her voice breaking with emotion she told him : ' It doesn 't seem fair ' .

    她激动得声音颤抖, :“这好像不公平吧。”

  • I tell you this I will not rest until that day has come

    我可以 肯定 ,不到那天我不会休息。

  • How do you tell one from another ?

    你怎么把他们 区分开来?

  • I can 't really tell the difference between their policies and ours

    我真的 他们的政策和我们的有什么不同。

  • While most of us feel fairly complacent about the nutrients we 're getting from our diets the facts tell a very different story .

    虽然我们大多数人对于从饮食中获取的营养成分感到相当满足,实际情况 不是这样。

  • In the evening I returned to tell Phyllis our relationship was over

    晚上我回来 告诉菲莉丝我们之间完了。

  • Claire had made me promise to tell her the truth

    克莱尔要我保证把真相 告诉她。

  • As far as I can tell Jason is basically a nice guy

    据我所 ,贾森算得上是个好人。

  • The pressure began to tell as rain closed in after 20 laps

    跑完20圈以后, 眼看就要下雨了, 大家开始紧张起来。

  • ' Come on ' she told herself

    “加油!”她 心里暗暗打气。

  • I told myself I would be satisfied with whatever I could get .


  • You can tell he 's joking .

    你能 出来他是在开玩笑。

  • I had to look twice to tell which was Martinez ; they all looked alike .

    我得仔细看一下才能 认出哪个是马丁内斯,他们长得实在太像了。

  • Will you tell me a story ?

    个故事 吗?

  • It was already impossible to tell where the bullet had entered

    已经无法 判断子弹是从哪里打进来的。

  • The facts tell us that this is not true

    事实 告诉我们,这不是真的。

  • I tell you what I 'll bring the water in a separate glass .

    要不这样 ,我用另一个玻璃杯把水端过来。

  • Tell us about your moment on the summit

    说说你登上顶峰的那一刻,心里是 怎么 的。

  • I only told the truth to the press when the single was released as it seemed the perfect time to do it

    等到单曲唱片开始发行时,我才 真相 透露给媒体,因为那似乎是最佳时机。

  • Many of the children know who they are but are not telling .


  • She told me on the telephone to come help clean the house .

    她在电话里 我过去帮忙打扫屋子。

  • I called Andie to tell her how spectacular the stuff looked

    我打电话 告诉安迪,那东西看上去太棒了。

  • I don 't think the unemployment rate ever tells us much about the future

    我认为,从失业率上永远 未来的情况究竟如何。