television system

[ˈtɛləˌvɪʒən ˈsɪstəm][ˈteliˌviʒən ˈsistəm]

电视制式[计] 电视系统

  • A television system that is not used for broadcasting but is connected by cables to designated monitors ( as in a factory or theater ) .

    不是用来 广播但由电缆连接到指定的监视器(如在工厂或剧院)。

  • Have found wide application in the television system satellite communication mobile system wireless voice service computer alarm system and so on .

    广泛应用于 电视、星通信、动电话系统、线语音服务、算机、报装置等。

  • Fortunately for Chinese sports fans the internet provides a ready-made alternative to the state television system .

    中国球迷是幸运的,因特网成为了 电视 频道之外的首选。

  • Generic specification for furnace high-temperature television system

    GB/T15414-1994炉用高温 电视 系统总技术条件

  • We have resolved the platform otherness between the integrated supervision control system and the close-circuit television system .

    解决了综合监控系统与闭路 电视 系统之间的平台差异性,以及成功地完成了摄像机图像在综合监控 系统人机界面上的实时显示。

  • With the development of digital communication technologies the digitalization of broadcasting and television system has been generally undergoing .

    随着数字通信技术的发展,广播 电视 系统已经开始全面进行数字化。

  • Schematic Design of Application of GIS in Radio and Television System

    GIS应用于广播 电视 系统的方案设计

  • A television system used to maintain close observation of a person or group .

    用来对人或群体保持近距离监视的 电视 系统

  • Then the closed-circuit television system projection and map board system of monitoring station are given .

    接着介绍了监控所的闭路 电视 系统、投影、地图板系统。

  • Construction of the Network Based on VLC Live Television System

    构建基于VLC的网络 电视 直播 系统

  • Wired Television System 's Exchange Sonic Disturbance Phenomenon Origin and Countermeasure

    有线 电视 系统的交流声干扰现象的成因及其对策

  • Key Distribution for Conditional Access System in Digital Television System

    数字 电视条件接收 系统密钥分配研究与 实现

  • The designing and debugging of downhole television system .

    井下 电视 系统的设计与调试。

  • The digital television terrestrial broadcasting system is important constituent in the broadcasting television system .

    地面数字电视广播系统是广播 电视 系统中的重要组成部分。

  • The Implement of Ultra Wide Band Technology in Digital Cable Television System

    有线数字 电视 系统中超宽带技术的应用

  • Deep water remote-controlled photographic and television system

    深水遥控摄像 电视 系统我用遥控器操作 电视机。遥控水下 电视摄影机

  • Code for design of community television system in industrial enterprises

    工业企业共用 天线 电视 系统设计规范

  • Program Multiplexing and Conditional Access Technology of Digital Television System

    数字 电视 系统的节目复用和条件接收技术

  • The Measurement Method Applied DVB-C Standard of Cable Digital Television System

    采用DVB-C标准的有线数字 电视 系统测量方法

  • These classes will also examine the theoretical perspectives from which scholars and policy-makers have perceived our television system .

    在这些课时中,我们还将考察学者和政策制定者看待我们 电视 体系的理论视角。

  • The Infrared Speech Sounds of Electric Power Equipment is Reported to the Police and is Monitored the Research of Device ; Have found wide application in the television system satellite communication mobile system wireless voice service computer alarm system and so on .

    电力设备的红外语音报警监测装置的研究广泛应用于 电视、星通信、动电话系统、线语音服务、算机、报装置等。

  • Ntsc color television system

    ntsc 彩色 电视

  • W : Have you heard about the new digital television system ?

    W:你有没有听说过一些新的数字 电视 系统

  • The new television system offers wider pictures and Hi-Fi sound .

    新的 电视 装备提供了更宽的图像和更逼真的声音。

  • This paper studies the design and the implementation of closed circuit television system used in urban rail traffic .

    主要研究了城市轨道交通系统中的 监视 系统的设计与实现。

  • NTSC National Television System Committee

    国家 电视 系统委员会

  • Traditional closed-circuit television system used analog signals ; they are transmitted by special circuitry with high investment and easy to malfunctions .

    传统的多媒体 闭路教学 系统传输的是模拟信号,需要铺设专门的线路,投资高,并且容易出故障。

  • A television system transmitted over cables .

    通过电缆传输的 电视 系统

  • Digital Television ( DTV ) is the future development direction of the broadcast television system .

    数字电视(DTV)是未来广播 电视 系统的发展方向。

  • A Call Admission Control Algorithm in Bidirectional Terrestrial Television System of Multiple Services

    支持多重业务的地面 电视双向 方案呼叫接入控制算法