
[tin ˈedʒɪd][ti:n ˈeɪdʒɪd]


  • The author in this paper first looked into the teen-aged socialization of the Salar in the light of his own experience and field work materials .

    本文根据作者亲身经历和田野作业资料,对 撒拉青少年社会化问题进行了初步研究。

  • The Psychological Characteristics of Teen-aged Hackers and their Instruction for Behavior


  • Living it up ! Sitting there like a teen-aged wallflower at a country hop .

    坐在那儿,就像是乡村舞会上一个 十几 的墙花;

  • The teen-aged socialization is an important and interesting contents in sociology and cultural anthropology .


  • Changes of blood lactic acid and blood glucose of teen-aged swimmers under the different loads

    不同负荷下 少年游泳运动员血乳酸与血糖的变化

  • A Research on the Coaches'Leadership Behaviors of Chinese First-rate Teen-aged Soccer Teams

    我国优秀 青少年男子足球队教练员领导行为的研究

  • Study on the Bones Development of the Teen-aged Athletes in Zhujiang Delta

    珠江三角州 少儿运动员骨发育水平的研究

  • The paper analyses the concept constitution and calculation methods of the costs of the human resources of the teen-aged players which has the theoretical and practical significance .

    本文分析研究了 青少年运动员人力资源成本的概念、构成及计量方法,有一定理论与实践意义。

  • Isadora spent most of her teen-aged years in the San Francisco area .

    伊莎多拉 青少年 时期大多 在旧金山 渡过的。

  • On Training of Teen-Aged Sprinters ' Fast Strength

    试论 青少年短跑运动员的快速力量训练

  • The human parent of the animals is believed to be the teen-aged son of the family well known in politics .

    这些动物的人类父母之一被认定为是一 十几 的男孩, 他的家庭在政治上很有名。