

n.十几岁十三至十九数字(或号码)青少年们十几岁( teen的名词复数 )<古>悲哀痛苦(13-19岁的)青少年

  • A reporter just did a story on homeless teens and my son was one of them .

    我刚在一个 流浪儿的报道中看到了我儿子。

  • I think fast food is addicting to teens and people in general because it is hard .

    我认为快餐是上瘾一般,因为它很难 青少年和人民。

  • You might be able to unschool young children successfully but you can 't unschool teens .

    可能你能够成功地对幼儿进行非学校教育,但不能对 青少年进行非学校教育。

  • What you have done might do harm to those who are in their teens .

    你所做的事可能对那些 青少年有害。

  • Our sale targeted teens and their parents .

    我们的销售对象为 青少年和他们的父母。

  • The study also concluded that teens who were exposed to secondhand smoke were more likely to start smoking .

    该研究同样认为,那些暴露于二手烟环境中的 青少年更可能开始吸烟。

  • I came out as a lesbian when I was still in my teens .

    我才 十几 的时候,就公开了自己的同性恋身份。

  • While in my teens I attracted a man with the same low self-esteem .

    我还不 20 ,一个和我一样自尊心不强的男人迷上了我。

  • A high proportion of crime in any country is perpetrated by young males in their teens and twenties

    在任何国家的犯罪者中, 十几二十几岁的青年男性都占了很高的比例

  • Some people say the hungry game is too violent for teens .

    有人说饥饿游戏对 青少年 来说太暴力了。

  • A high proportion of crime is perpetrated by young males in their teens and twenties .

    很大一部分案件乃是 十几 少年和二十多岁的青年男子所为。

  • She was at her prettiest in her late teens but even then she always had somebody who was prettier .

    她在 十八 的时候最漂亮,但是即使在那时,也总有人比她更漂亮。

  • Most people who smoke began smoking in their teens

    多数烟民从 十几 就开始抽烟了。

  • Earlier this year the British Journal of Sports Medicine published new guidelines for concussions in children and teens .

    今年年初,《英国运动医学杂志》发表了儿童和 青少年脑震荡新的指导方针。

  • My late teens and early twenties were really rough years

    我二十 前后那几年 得真苦啊。

  • Bullied kids face a high risk of mental health problems as teens and as young adults .


  • I married in my late teens and was taken in by his charm — which soon vanished

    十八 结了婚,那时被他的魅力所迷惑——可他的魅力很快就荡然无存。

  • Low wages are not just for kids and teens anymore .

    低收入已经不再仅仅适用于儿童和 青少年了。

  • Meanwhile primary school students and teens are becoming more cautious when talking about their family 's wealth .

    同时,小学生和 少儿在谈起自己家的财富时变得更为谨慎。

  • You should have moved on from that kind of behaviour in your teens .

    你应该早在 十几 的就抛弃这种行为了。

  • She then became rebellious during her teens and drank smoked and shoplifted .

    青春期又叛逆地走上 歧路,喝酒、抽烟、偷窃样样来。

  • She was in her early teens .

    她正值 豆蔻年华

  • I think aerobics are quite popular with teens and young adults .

    我想健美操在 青少年人中很流行。

  • I have never lost the weight I put on in my teens

    十几 增加的体重一直没有减下去

  • Free online dating has become a popular subject among both teens and adults .

    自由的网恋现在成为了 青少年及其成年人的中很流行的话题。

  • Both my daughters are in their teens .

    我的两个女儿都 十几

  • Prom night can be a dreadful experience for socially awkward teens or for those who do not secure dates .

    对拙于社交活动的 青少年或者对约会没有安全感的人来说,舞会之夜是一个令人害怕的经验。