temporary injunction

[ˈtɛmpəˌrɛri ɪnˈdʒʌŋkʃən][ˈtempərəri ɪnˈdʒʌŋkʃən]

[法] 临时禁止处分命令

  • Last month opponents of the pole tax filed for a temporary injunction against it .

    上个月杆子税的反对者们提起诉讼申请 临时 强制 来反对它。

  • The Hamburg regional court issued a temporary injunction on May 2 saying ZTE was forbidden to offer market or possess USB modems with a certain trademark and with a certain design .

    德国汉堡地区法庭于5月2日颁布了一项 暂时 禁令,禁止中兴通讯提供、营销或拥有具有特定商标与设计的USB调制解调器。

  • According to the contents of the temporary injunction system it is a procedural measure which can resolve procedural issues and not resolve the substantive issues .

    临时 禁令制度从内容 上来 ,它是一种程序上的措施,只解决程序问题,而不解决实体问题。

  • The spat became public last week when Walter Kwok obtained a temporary court injunction to stop the board from voting to oust him .

    这一争吵在上周变得公开化,当时,郭炳湘赢得了一项 临时法庭 禁令,阻止董事局投票罢免他的主席职务。

  • Uber faced fines in Germany of up to 250 euros ( about $ 330 ) or a jail term of up to six month for a local employee if it violated the temporary injunction .

    Uber如果违反这个 临时 禁令,将在德国面临25万欧元的罚款,公司在当地的一名雇员可能面临最多六个月的监禁。

  • Moreover the attachment temporary restraining order preliminary injunction and the Mareva injunction are the main temporary remedies in Common law counties .

    此外,英美国家的扣押令、 临时限制令、预备 禁令、玛利华禁令等临时救济措施亦成为英美法系最主要的保全措施。

  • The emergency protection of company chops in litigation process is too important to ignore . The application of temporary injunction will be benefit to avoid or reduce the damages caused by company chops ' misappropriation .

    在诉讼救济中不可忽视印章的紧急保护,特别是 临时 禁令 制度的适用,将有利于避免或减少侵占印章行为给公司造成的损害。

  • Temporary injunction is an important intellectual property litigation system .

    临时 禁令是知识产权诉讼中一项重要的制度。

  • He is grant a temporary injunction .

    他被给予 临时 禁令