



  • The rent is a matter for negotiation between the landlord and the tenant .

    租金可以由房东和 住户协商 确定

  • This approach is easier to do isolation and customization in the tenant level .

    这种方法比较容易实现 租户级的隔离和定制。

  • You were right about that one tenant .

    关于那些个 房客你说的没错。

  • The tenancy contract is the basis for regulating the relations between lessor and tenant .

    租赁合同是调整出租人与 承租 关系的基础。

  • You will become the first user for the tenant and the default account administrator .

    您将变成该 租户的第一个用户和默认的帐户管理员。

  • The tenant is responsible for all repairs to the building .


  • It 's important to know your rights as a tenant .

    作为一个 佃户,知道你的权利是重要的。

  • Can you help me find a new tenant for my flat ?

    你能帮我找到一个新 房客因为我的公寓吗?

  • The tenant is liable for repair .


  • A tenant may have a right of first refusal if a property is offered for sale .

    若房产要出售, 承租 可以有优先购买权。

  • If the tenant is already registered and an account created you will be invited to join the account .

    如果 租户已经注册并且创建了一个帐户,您将被邀请加入该帐户。

  • EXAMPLE : The tenant lost his job and soon his rent payments were in arrears .


  • The tenant received two month 's notice .

    房客得到两个月后 搬出的通知。

  • You used to be such a good tenant .

    你一直都是一个很好的 房客

  • A tenant can represent a customer account or any organizational unit .


  • Mowing lawns and taking out the trash are jobs for the tenant .

    刈剪草坪、倒掉垃圾是 房客该做的

  • Assets in this community are visible only within the tenant boundary .

    社区中的资产仅在 租户边界内可见。

  • We went to the estate agent who had originally let the house to our tenant and got his references .

    我们去找了最初将房子租给我们 房客的那家房地产中介,拿到了房客的信息。

  • Being a good tenant he can 't be evicted .

    他是个好 房客,不可能被赶出去的。

  • The tenant has already got possession of the house .


  • Roles and users are isolated among tenants by introducing a new tenant object .

    通过引入新的 租户对象,在租户之间隔离角色和用户。

  • His landlord collected the tenant 's rent monthly .

    他的房东每个月收 房客的房租。

  • If you are a council tenant call the housing department about it .

    住房 租户就该问题致电住房部。

  • Regulations placed clear obligations on the landlord for the benefit of the tenant

    为维护 房客的利益,条例明确规定了房东负有的各项义务。

  • The landlady turned out a tenant for not paying the rent .

    女房东赶走了一名不交房租的 房客

  • You think you 'd want her as a tenant ?

    你认为你想让她做你的 房客

  • The landlord can evict a tenant who does not pay the rent .

    房东能够驱逐出不付租金的 房客

  • For instance it says nothing about how much land is rented to tenant farmers .

    例如,它没有反映出有多少土地被租了给 佃农

  • Landowners frequently left the management of their estates to tenant farmers .

    地主们经常将土地的管理交给 佃农