temporary admission

[ˈtɛmpəˌrɛri ædˈmɪʃən][ˈtempərəri ədˈmiʃən]


  • A social worker there helped him get a temporary residence permit and just as crucially admission to a Gymnasium the German equivalent of an academic high school .

    那里的一个社工帮他取得了 临时居留证,更重要的是 获准 进入德国的文理中学,在德国相当于学院高中。

  • Instruction on the Temporary Admission of Kosovo Refugees

    关于 临时 接纳科索沃难民的指示

  • Customs Convention on the ATA Carnet for the Temporary Admission of Goods ( ATA Convention 1961 ) We is sorry that this item is out of stock for the time is .

    关于货物暂时入境的 暂时 入境证海关公约很抱歉,这种商品暂时无货可供。