


  • ENGLAND captain John Terry and his fiancee Toni Poole will be married this summer we can reveal today .

    英格兰队队长约翰· 特里和他的未婚妻托尼·普尔将在今夏结婚,我们今天得以公布这个消息。

  • Terry has been going out with Sharon for six weeks .


  • Terry : I agree with you .


  • Tina seems able to cast a spell over Terry and get him to do anything she wants .

    蒂娜似乎能够迷住 特里,并随心所欲地支配他。

  • Terry was very cut up about Jim 's death .

    吉姆的死让 特丽 无比 悲伤

  • Off-screen Kathy is under the watchful eye of her father Terry .

    生活中的凯茜受到父亲 特里的严格看管。

  • He grew up idolising Gianfranco Zola and John Terry .

    他是在对 左拉和的崇拜中长大的。

  • I lost Terry the exact same way .

    我和你一样失去了 泰瑞

  • Terry 's speech was inconsistent with the book he had written .


  • I learned how to enjoy myself in London from Terry .

    我学会了和 特里他们一样,在伦敦烦嚣的 尘世 买醉

  • I have a girl so Terry gets a lobster .

    我有个女儿,所以 特里做了只龙虾。

  • Terry ? I need the file you took yesterday .


  • I mean I don 't wanna leave terry .

    我是说我不想离开这里, 特里

  • Terry actually says ' Oh shucks ! ' when complimented on her singing .

    人们赞誉她的歌声时, 特里实际上会说“噢,没什么!”

  • CHRIS : Terry has Roger 's glove or one just like it .

    克丽丝: 特瑞拿了罗杰的手套,或者是和它一样的手套。

  • To me only Cech and Terry are untouchables .

    依我所见,只有切赫和 特里是‘碰不得的’。

  • Terry Puhl leads off for the Houston Astros .


  • Only of Wade and terry .

    只是怕韦德和 特里

  • When I look over and see Terry I tingle all over .

    当我放眼望去见到 特里时,我整个人兴奋不已。

  • Hey Terry come and meet my Dad .

    嗨, 特里,过来认识一下我爸爸。

  • Terry : I met a girl today . I take a shine to her right away .


  • I 've never seen Terry laugh so hard

    我从未见过 特里如此放声大笑。

  • Terry had a soft spot for me

    特里 非常

  • I 'll let you have him without going through terry .

    我会让你和他一起,不必通过 特瑞

  • Terry : Yes can I cash my traveler 's check here ?


  • Frank and terry 'd been arguing most of the day .

    弗兰克和 特里几乎争吵了一整天。

  • Terry was telling me about you on the plane .


  • I was sleeping with terry .

    我和 特里上过床。