test generator

[test ˈdʒɛnəˌretɚ][test ˈdʒenəreitə]


  • The simulations were compared with experimental results for a ground fault in the stator windings of a 12 kW synchronous test generator as a single machine with no load and neutral grounding with a resistor .

    为验证仿真的正确性和有效性,对一台12kW同步发电机 实验 样机进行了单机空载、中性点电阻接地情况下的定子单相接地实验,并给出了实验结果。

  • Test of Generator Damper and System Stabilizer & The Generator Load Step Response

    发电机阻尼与电力系统稳定器 试验&发电机负载阶跃响应

  • The close-loop test for generator excitation system is done by using RTDS simulation system including regulator parameters setting no-load step response test and load PSS test power system fault simulation .

    利用实时数字仿真RTDS进行 发电机励磁系统闭环 试验,完成了调节参数整定、发电机空载阶跃响应和发电机负载PSS参数整定、系统故障模拟等试验。

  • Automatically ( automated data correlation ) where the test generator automatically detects the previous value to substitute in the current request .

    (自动的数据关联), 测试 生成器自动检测到当前请求中要替换的前一个值。

  • This article gives a new BIST test generator design for transient current testing this design not only produces needed test vector pairs but also has an advantage of low hardware overheads .

    本文给出了一种新型的瞬态电流测试BIST 测试 生成器设计方案,该设计可以产生所需要的测试向量对,同时具有硬件开销小的优点。

  • Random test program generator for microprocessor functional verification

    微处理器随机 测试程序 生成器微处理器功能验证方法研究

  • Analysis of Inverse Current Impulse during Short Circuit Test Of Generator with Rectifier

    整流型 发电机短路 测试中电流反冲现象分析

  • A new test generator circuit is designed with mixed-mode in self-test by using width compression based on the property of d-compatibles .

    使用d兼容为基础的宽压缩,设计了一种用于混合式机内自动测试的新型 测试 生成电路。

  • In this paper a rational method of generating engineering test problem ts presented the structure of intelligent optimization test problem generator ( OTPG ) is given and the application of expert system ( ES ) and Monte-Carlo simulation is discussed .

    本文提出了一种更适合产生工程类测试问题的算法,给出了智能优化 测试问题 产生器(OTPG)的结构,讨论了专家系统(ES)和Monte-Carlo模拟在OTPG中的应用。

  • This paper mainly describes a HDTV test pattern generator based on SOC .

    主要描述了基于SOC的高清晰度数字电视 测试图像 发生器的研究与实现。

  • Dynamic characteristic test for generator set

    发电机组动态特性 试验

  • There are two additional methods that I created to finish the test data generator .

    我创建了两个用来完成 测试数据 生成器的额外方法。

  • Static characteristic test for generator set

    发电机组静态特性 试验

  • In this page a BIST test vector generator used for IDDT test is designed .

    本文设计了一种用于瞬态电流测试的BIST 测试向量 生成器

  • TV insertion test signal generator

    电视 插入信号 发生器

  • Television test pattern generator

    电视 测试图案 信号 发生器

  • New Method Introduction on Electrical Test of Generator Startup

    发电机启机电气 试验新方法介绍

  • A Low Power Test Generator Design Using FPGA

    基于FPGA的低功耗 测试 生成器的设计

  • In this paper a solution based on FPGA to test signal generator for HDTV monitor is presented .

    本文提出了一种基于FPGA的HDTV显示器 测试信号 发生器的方案。

  • In this paper an exploring research was presented to investigate the new method and a test acceleration generator was designed and installed .

    本论文对该 测试方法进行了探索性研究,设计并安装了 试验加速度 产生 装置

  • Probe into low tension shielding method in the leakage test of generator stator

    发电机定子泄漏 试验中低压屏蔽法探讨

  • Dynamometer engine test bed dynamic characteristic test for generator set

    发动机测功器试验台架 发电机组动态特性 试验

  • This thesis takes MSDN FORUMS test project of Microsoft as background the techniques of test case generator test case execute and recorder regression test were researched and analyzed carefully .

    本文基于微软MSDNFORUMS项目的测试工作,对软件测试技术中的 测试用例 生成、测试执行与记录、回归测试的方法等进行了研究和分析。

  • A concurrent fault simulator is used to simulate test vectors both on logic and timing in ATPG . The test vector generator uses the simulating information avoiding generating invalid vectors .

    使用并发故障模拟器从逻辑上和时序上对生成的测试矢量进行仿真, 测试矢量 生成器使用该仿真信息,以避免生成失效 测试矢量。

  • Parallel operation test for generator set

    发电机组并联运行 试验

  • Investigates the implementation scheme of cellular automata ( CA ) for application in the pseudo-random test of very large scale integration ( VLSI ) as a test pattern generator .

    研究细胞自动机(CA)在超大规模集成电路(VLSI)伪随机测试中作为 测试 激励的结构 实现方法。

  • Furthermore a sample test case generator for stored procedure is provided .

    并在该方法的基础上,做了一个存储过程 测试用例 生成 工具的尝试性实现。

  • The Design and Implementation and Research of HDTV Monitor Test Pattern Generator

    高清数字电视机 测试生成器的设计实现和研究

  • Practical Significance and Standards of Dynamic Characteristic Test for Generator Stator End Windings

    发电机定子绕组端部动态特性 试验的实践意义和标准掌握