test action

[法] 选定作为判案标准的诉讼

  • However in practice there is a mode of trial detach the case try the cases together which is similar to test action . But because of the lack of theoretical guidance there are many gaps in practice .

    司法实践中存在的拆案处理、分批审判的审判方式,与 示范 诉讼有异曲同工之妙,但由于缺乏相关理论指导,在实践中存在着较多的缺漏。

  • An object node with the stereotype datastore can be linked to a test action in order to specify that a data pool is required for this test action .

    一个“datastore”类型的目标节点可以被连接到一个 测试 活动,来指定这个测试活动需要的一个数据池。

  • The Create counterpart SIP test action creates all of the SIP messages for the counterpart test based on the UA1 SIP test messages .

    操作CreatecounterpartSIP testUA1SIP测试消息的基础上,为同等测试创建了所有的SIP消息。

  • It defines the concept and characteristic of test action and then put the study emphasis on narrow litigation .

    首先阐述了 示范 诉讼的概念与特征,明确本文的研究对象为狭义的示范诉讼。

  • Rational Performance Tester provides a convenient way of creating the SIP test messages that originate from UA2 by using the Create counterpart SIP test action that is available for a SIP test .

    通过使用SIP测试可用的CreatecounterpartSIP test 操作,RationalPerformanceTester为创建UA2发起的SIP测试消息,提供了一种简便的方法。

  • The next step will be to test action video games that do not involve guns and mayhem .

    下一步将要对不涉及枪支和严重伤害的视频 打斗游戏进行 测试

  • If you want to see your test in action click Run All ( see Figure 1 ) .

    如果您想查看您的 测试 运行情况,单击RunAll(参见图1)。

  • On the base of that it compares and evaluates the test action system in the United Kingdom 、 the United States and Germany . Chapter ⅲ it focuses on the necessity to establish test action system in China .

    在此基础上,对英国、美国、德国的 示范 诉讼进行了对比和评价。

  • For each alternative a test action should be considered .

    对于每一个选择, 测试 活动都要考虑到。

  • To open the Test Map view use the Test Map action () on the mapping editor toolbar .

    要打开TestMap视图,请使用映射编辑器工具栏上的 TestMap 操作()。

  • Based on the jointed test action group ( JTAG ) protocol instructions and scan chain were introduced . With test access port ( TAP ) module exchanging serial input with parallel output register files and random access memory on chip were read or written in parallel .

    在JTAG接口协议的基础上,增加指令和扫描链,同时通过测试访问端( TAP)控制把串行输入转换成并行输出,并行访问数字信号处理器的寄存器文件和片上存储器单元,实现嵌入式模拟器。

  • The framework has good result obtained in practical application which is able to decrease both the work and cost of test action .

    在实际应用中减少了 测试人员工作量,降低了 测试成本,取得了很好的 效果

  • Chapter III is about the procedure rules of test action .

    第三章为 示范 诉讼的程序规则。

  • This will simply generate an alert when the new Test Action menu item is selected .

    在新的 Test Action菜单项被选中时,就会产生一个警告框。

  • In China the studies on test action are very poor .

    在我国,无论学界还是司法界,对 示范 诉讼的研究都相对缺乏。

  • If you open one of these ( you can use the Goto Test action described above ) you can run the specs by using Run File .

    如果你打开其中一个(你可使用之前介绍过的Goto Test 动作),就可以使用RunFile来运行规格。

  • The decision table specifies under what conditions a test action must be performed .

    决策表列出了一个 测试 活动执行所需的条件。

  • The test action exercises or changes a particular object in that database and then evaluates that change .

    测试 操作执行或更改该数据库中的特定对象,然后评估该更改。

  • When a combination is not possible or not yet implemented the row in the data pool is excluded and the test action is undefined .

    当一个合并不可能或者还没有被实现时,数据池中的行将会被排斥,并且 测试 活动是未定义的。

  • The template is composed of several action hyperspheres in subspace which encodes multi-view information of the actions . Recognition is then achieved by comparing the test action with the sample actions in the template .

    动作模板由子空间中的几个超球构成,集成了多种人体动作在多个视点下的特征,动作识别是通过待 识别 动作与模板中样例动作之间的相似度匹配实现的。

  • In the TDT you 'll see two test action blocks with nested data .

    在TDT中,你可以看到嵌套数据的两个 测试 动作块。

  • Chapter IV is about the design of proceedings for test action .

    第四章为 示范 诉讼的借鉴与构建。

  • Chapter II is about research of the contracts of test action .

    第二章为 示范 诉讼契约制度研究。

  • Note that the test execute action is always rolled back .

    注意, 测试执行 操作总是可以回滚。

  • The decision script compares the result of the verifications performed on the AUT with the condition entries in order to identify the test action to perform ( i.e. the next test script to run ) .

    决策脚本把AUT执行的验证结果与条件入口相比较,以便识别执行的 测试 活动(例如下一个需要运行的测试脚本)。

  • When a decision point is reached in the testing process the tester examines the state of the AUT and determines a test action .

    在测试过程中当达到一个决策点时,测试人员会检查AUT的状态并决定 测试 活动

  • Therefore it has great practical significance to build our test action system on the base of foreign legislation and practice .

    在借鉴国外立法与实践的基础上,探讨我国 示范 诉讼制度的建构之路,有着重要的现实意义。

  • The part of the hardware included circuits of power management system reset JTAG ( Joint Test Action Group ) interface digital-to-analogue conversion current control keys determination data storage liquid crystal display serial communication and filtering .

    硬件部分包含电源控制、系统复位、JTAG(联合 调试 行动组)接口、数模转换、电流控制、按键检测、数据存储、液晶显示、串口通讯和滤波等电路。

  • In light of the high occurrence of group disputes in China it is necessary to probe into values of test action and actively apply it in civil actions to resolve disputes .

    在我国群体性纠纷多发的背景下,深入挖掘 示范 诉讼的存在价值,将其积极运用于民事诉讼领域,是当前纠纷解决的必然要求。