

adj.可试验的,可测试的; 有资格作证的,有资格立遗嘱的

  • Rather the emphasis is squarely placed on the goal writing loosely coupled testable code .

    相反,其重点放在设计目标、编写松散耦合、 测试的代码上。

  • Think of an interesting testable idea about either dreams or laughter .

    想出一个 测试的有趣想法,关于梦境也 ,关于笑也

  • In the process of making code testable we 've refactored previously problematic code ; not only problematic in it 's design but in it 's function .

    在使代码 变得 测试 的过程中,我们对前面一些有问题的代码进行了重构;这些代码不仅设计上有问题,功能上也有问题。

  • Some are not testable because a proper test is technically too difficult to arrange .

    一些是不 测试的,因为从技术上很难安排一个合适的测试。

  • To do this requires complete unambiguous and testable requirements .

    做到这一点需要完整的、明确的和 测试的需求。

  • The results are use cases that cannot stand alone to create a testable scenario .

    结果是用例不能独立存在来创建 测试的场景。

  • Each of these represents a testable event .

    每个都代表一个 测试的事件。

  • Third all these methods are testable now : each method ( except populate ()) does just one thing .

    第三,所有方法现在都是 测试的:每个方法(除了populate())都只做一件事。

  • What could be better than flexible testable code that 's a blast to write ?

    还有什么比容易编写的、灵活的、 测试的代码更好呢?

  • Tester Responsible for validating that requirements are testable and associated with actual test plans and tests .

    测试员对确认 测试的需求以及与实际规划和测试相关的需求负责。

  • They refactor code to make it more testable .

    他们不断的检查代码,以确保其 测试

  • The scientific method is built around testable hypotheses .

    科学方法是建立在 验证的假说的基础上的。

  • Geddy 's code needs to be refactored to be more testable so we can have more complete coverage .

    Geddy的代码需要进行重构、要更 容易 测试,以便我们有更完整的覆盖率。

  • However before you can test your code you need to isolate it into testable fragments .

    然而,在您测试代码之前,您需要将代码分割成一些 测试的片断。

  • Thinking about testing leads you to consider what is testable .

    考虑测试会引导您考虑哪些东西是 测试的。

  • Moreover the documents are testable .

    而且,文档是 测试的。

  • This description can be used to make predictions that are testable by experiment or observation using scientific method .

    这说明可以用来预测是 检验或观察实验用科学的方法。

  • NanoHUB as a whole must be manageable scalable reliable available testable and recoverable .

    nanoHUB作为一个整体,必须是可管理的、可伸缩的、可靠的、可用的、 测试的和可恢复的。

  • Ultimately creating readable and testable code is one of the main if understated goals of porting legacy code to a new language such as Python .

    总之,毫不夸张地说,创建可阅读和 测试的代码是将遗留代码移植到Python这样的新语言的一个主要目标。

  • Requirements should be clear complete reasonably detailed cohesive attainable and testable .

    需求应该是清晰的、完整的、详 得当、紧密的、可获得的和 测试的。

  • Some requirements are not testable because they are subjective or they are not conducive to measurement or metrics .

    一些需求是非 测试的,因为他们是主观的,或者不是有助于度量或量度的。

  • A test assertion is a testable expression of one or more requirements in the Basic Profile .

    测试断言是基本概要(BasicProfile)中一个或多个要求的 测试表达式。

  • Lists that finish with these words aren 't testable .

    以这些词语结尾的列表是不 测试的。

  • One test can lead you to further decompose the problem into smaller and smaller chunks each testable .

    一个测试可以指引您进一步将问题分解为越来越小的块,每个块都是 可以 测试的。

  • A Story is a testable piece of a Feature also described in the words of users .

    故事是特性的一个 测试的片断,以用户的语言来描述。

  • Theoretically this piece or unit should be the smallest testable portion of source code .

    理论上讲,这个代码片段(或者说是代码单元)是源代码中最小的 测试部分。

  • In addition decoupling between View and ViewModel also allows the ViewModel to be more unit testable and reusable .

    此外,View与ViewModel的分离还使得ViewModel更有利于单元 测试和重用。

  • This pushes the complexity into smaller more manageable ( and therefore more testable ) methods .

    这会降低复杂度,使方法更容易管理(因此更 容易 测试)。