term bank

[tɚm bæŋk][tə:m bæŋk]


  • In the short term ( 12-18 months ) the government and bank response is not likely to have much direct effect on SME Finance .

    短期 来看(12-18个月),政府和 银行不可能给中小企业融资带来很多直接影响。

  • The term participant refers to a bank which has joined the foreign currency payment system and opened a foreign currency settlement account at a settling bank .

    参与者是 参加外币支付系统并在代理结算银行开立外币结算账户的 银行

  • Cautious investors can hold them for the long term and bank the interest .

    谨慎的投资者可以 长期持有,并取得 银行利息。

  • Article2The term Central Bank mentioned herein refers to the People 's Bank of P.R.China and its branches .

    第二 本办法所称中央 银行,是指中国人民银行及其分支机构。

  • Objective To provide perpetual research materials for long term studies by establishing immortal lymphoblastoid cell bank of keloids pedigree .

    目的建立瘢痕疙瘩家系永生细胞 ,为瘢痕疙瘩发病机制的研究提供 永久的研究材料。

  • How fast the currency moves over the medium term is determined by how the central bank w_1921 sets the reference rate not the size of the trading band they said .

    中期 而言,人民币汇率的变化速度是由中国 央行如何设定参考汇率、而不是交易区间的大小决定的,他们表示。

  • In the shorter term the bank needs to worry about a possible backlash against its incongruously generous pay policies .

    在更短的 时间 高盛必须担心不合理的慷慨付款政策可能带来的反冲。

  • In the long term the plan calls for strengthening the Central Bank to guard against all threats to the financial system .

    长期 而言,该计划要求加强中央 银行,以防范金融系统的所有威胁。

  • A Produce Technique of Term Bank Used in Automatic Indexing of Chinese Information

    中文情报自动标引中可用的一种 词库生成技术

  • Liquidity risk that mainly causes by term mismatch is hard-core risk faced by commercial bank .

    由于银行资产负债 期限错配等因素决定了流动性风险是商业 银行面对的最核心的风险。

  • Besides with the short term bank credit rate becoming higher the firm is less restricted by the coefficient of financial distress function .

    另外,随着 短期 银行信用利率的提高,与上游供应商和 银行发生交易的企业受财务危机成本函数系数的约束越来越小。

  • Both of them know they might be able to drive up Citi 's shares in the short term by spinning off its investment bank .

    两人都知道,通过拆分花旗的投资 银行业务,自己或许能够在 短期 提振花旗的股价。

  • First analyze the economic financial factors that impact on the residential real estate price in JiaXing city come to residential real estate price in JiaXing city in the short term is more vulnerable to the impact of bank credit and interest rate .

    首先,分析经济金融因素对嘉兴市住宅房地产价格的影响,得出嘉兴市 短期 的住宅房地产价格更容易受 银行信贷和利率的影响。

  • But the contradiction of MBS between short term treasury and long term utilization maybe bring some potential risk to commercial bank . There is a very big potential market of housing loans in our country perhaps existing in lack of the fund .

    但住房抵押贷款存在短期性资金 长期运用的矛盾,可能对商业 银行造成潜在的流动性风险,而且我国房地产信贷潜在的市场极其庞大, 长期 来看可能存在资金上的不足。

  • While the Bank undertakes standard project evaluations as a matter of course the deeper focus on the long term impacts is a first for the Bank .

    虽然 世行理所当然对项目进行标准的评价,但着眼于项目 长期影响的深层评价尚属首次。

  • It is expected that the mutual training of each other by both sides themselves the terminologists and the subject specialists will not only benefit each other but more importantly will improve the product of the workshop the term bank that is to go into markets .

    讲习班的目的,不仅在于通过互教互助使术语工作者和学科专家双方得到提高,更重要的是建立一个高质量的专业 术语 和相应的 术语 ,并筹划如何将其投放市场。

  • There is a long term structural problem that real growth in bank finance has been low or negative .

    长期存在一个结构性问题,即 银行融资实际上一直是低增长或者负增长。

  • We offer variable term deposit notice deposit and current deposit in our bank .

    定活两便、通知存款和活期 存款

  • Bancassurance a French term referring to the selling of insurance through a bank 's established distribution channels .

    银行出售保险法文 词汇,指通过 银行既有的分销渠道销售保险。

  • Sesame storing status in medium - term gene bank

    芝麻种质资源 中期 保存现状分析

  • He did not distinguish between short term rates which are heavily influenced by the Bank of England and long term rates which are a market phenomenon .

    他没把 短期利率和长期利率区分开,前者很大程度上受英国 央行(boe 影响,后者则是市场的产物。

  • Unchecked the unavailability of term finance threatens bank liquidity ratios – the regulatory requirement to maintain an appropriate maturity of liabilities relative to assets .

    如果不加以抑制,无法得到 长期融资将威胁到 银行的速动率 liquidityratio)&根据这一监管规定, 银行的负债期限需要与资产期限相近。

  • In the short term the central bank will be starved of talent and leadership at an extremely tricky time .

    短期 来讲,中央 银行将在一个极端困难的时期内缺少人才和领导人。

  • But frothy equity markets mean that customers shift from term to demand deposits which cost the bank less .

    但股市上涨意味着客户将资金从 定期转为活期,降低了工 的利息成本。

  • When he was reelected for a second term Jackson opposed renewing the Bank 's charter which was due to expire in 1836 .

    他第二次当选 连任总统时,反对联邦 银行的特许证(于1836年到期)延期。

  • The term set by the take-over decision expires or the extension of the term decided by the People 's Bank of China expires ;

    接管决定规定的期限届满或者中国人民 银行决定的接管延期 届满

  • It might seem ironic that the four countries would choose a term created by an American bank to define themselves but it is not unprecedented .

    四国会选择一家美国 银行发明的 词汇来界定自己,似乎有些讽刺,但这并非史无前例。