terminal user

[ˈtɚmənəl ˈjuzɚ][ˈtə:minəl ˈju:zə]


  • As of the biggest add-valued service platform OTA should give the terminal user various kinds of personalized services at anytime anywhere .

    作为最大的增值业务平台之一的OTA,必须做到使 终端 用户在任何时间、任何地点享受各色各样的个性化服务。

  • The secondary logistics distribution is the last link of supply chain facing the terminal user directly is the eventual reflection of enterprise profit .

    成品油二次物流配送是供应链的最后一个环节,它直接面向 终端 用户,最终实现企业利润。

  • The subjects include creator the neighboring right owner intellectual property agency network information resource operating organization network information resource terminal user network information resource intellectual property manager .

    网络信息资源知识产权主体包括创作者和邻接权人、知识产权中介者、网络信息资源运营机构、网络信息资源 终端 用户、网络信息资源知识产权的管理者五部分。

  • It provides many rich and colorful service for terminal user .

    它为 用户提供了丰富多彩的 无线业务。

  • Interaction between terminal user and system

    终端 用户和系统间相互作用

  • But as most of the corporations don 't face to the terminal user the research ability is comparatively weak which leads to the absence of guiding for corporation developments .

    但由于多数企业没有直接面对 终端 用户、研发能力又相对薄弱,致使企业发展缺乏导向性。

  • Terminal User Appraisal to the Large Buses Performance

    大型客车性能的 终端 用户评价

  • Cryptographic products consist of several important components : cryptographic algorithm protocol terminal user hardware circuit and software system .

    密码产品包括几个重要组成部分:密码算法、协议、 用户、硬件电路、软件代码。

  • Once the transmission error or lost data packets occurred in network flows the terminal user might bring forward a new service requirement .

    由于网络传输过程中部分数据包的丢失或错误, 终端 用户一旦遇到这种情况,在服务结束后会重新提出服务请求。

  • Foreign natural gas prices are divided into a wellhead price an urban gate station price and a terminal user price .

    国外天然气价格分井口价、城市门站价和 终端 用户价。

  • A method of requesting specific types of data input from a terminal user by visual messages and sometimes audible signals .

    用屏幕显示电文,有时还用音响信号请求 终端 用户输入规定类型数据的一种方法。

  • The broadband LEO satellite mobile communication system will play an important role in providing services to mobile terminal user anytime and anywhere which becomes a significant component of the air-space-ground integrated information network .

    低轨宽带卫星移动通信系统将随时随地为各种接入 用户 终端提供宽带服务,成为空天地一体化信息网络的重要组成部分。

  • It is extremely important to accomplish a quantitative and qualitative analysis of terminal user structure for large-medium sized computer system . Now .

    对大中型计算机系统的 终端 用户结构进行定量定性的分析已越来越为人们所重视。

  • Multiple sources say that they are trying to get more information about what terminal user data was available to Bloomberg editorial particularly if it led to M & a deal leaks .

    多位消息人士表示,他们正在试图获取更多信息,了解彭博(Bloomberg)新闻编辑部门能获得哪些 终端 用户数据,特别是这是否会导致并购交易的消息泄露。

  • In order to provide reliable access service for terminal user the corresponding access network needs to be built .

    为了给 终端 用户提供可靠的服务,需要建立相应的接入网。

  • Through the optical fiber composite low-voltage electric cable technology FTTH thoroughly solve the intelligent network terminal user access and the future of the mutual information into electricity .

    通过光纤复合低压电缆技术实现电力光纤到户,彻底解决智能电网 终端 用户接入和未来大量用电信息交互的问题。

  • The terminal user and the providers of the services that based on location information have asked for information that is more precise and reliable this is also a request to the base location center of the LBS.

    最终的应用 使用者& 用户和位置服务的运营商对系统的服务质量和精度做出了更高的要求,也就对位置服务的中心基础定位平台有了进一步的要求。

  • Small touch screen User Interface design is a creative activity based on touch screen terminal User Interface .

    小型触屏终端界面设计就是以小型触屏 终端 界面为目标的一种创作活动。

  • The principle function and design of a microcontroller-based protection unit for substation and switchgear of terminal user is described in this paper .

    简述了 终端 用户微机保护装置的原理、功能和软硬件实现方法。

  • Power Distribution Mode of Medium Voltage Terminal User and Selection of Correlative Electric Appliances

    中压 终端 用户配电方式及相关电器的选用

  • According to the status at present that the effective demand of agricultural technology innovation and the insufficient supplies it is very difficult to form terminal user ( farmer household ) system .

    针对目前农业技术创新有效需求与供给不足,难以形成积极的 终端 用户(农户)系统的现状。

  • Around the 24 Words Claims announced the head office this paper describes the preparation works in detail in three level of network company basic network and terminal user before developing the overall digitalization .

    围绕总局24字要求,分别从网络公司、基础网络、 终端 用户3个层面就全面铺开数字化进程前应做的准备工作进行了较为详细的阐述。

  • The issuing of messages to a terminal user requesting information necessary to continue processing .

    请求 终端或数据 标识本身或指示其状态的过程。

  • AT the same time the terminal user data and the warning reason are displayed by searching database .

    同时根据报警信息查询数据库,显示该 终端 用户的资料及报警原因。

  • Aiming at the incoming line switchgear cabinet characteristics of 12 kV distribution network terminal substation and main unit this paper presents a multifunctional digital protection set of terminal user switchgear based on 16-bit microprocessor .

    针对12kV配电网终端用户变电站、户内外环网柜等进线开关柜的特点,设计了一种基于16位单片机控制的多功能 终端 用户开关柜微机保护装置。

  • Realization methods of serial communication about centrex and terminal user

    Centrex与 终端 用户串口通信的实现方法

  • Some common User Interface design methods and principles also apply to small touch screen terminal User Interface but the small touch screen terminal User Interface has its particularity .

    小型触屏终端界面和普通界面相比有相同点也有不同点,部分普通界面的设计方法和原则在小型触屏 终端 界面上同样适用,但小型触屏终端界面也有其特殊性。

  • In systems with time sharing a function that helps a terminal user by requesting him to supply operands necessary to continue processing .

    在分时系统中,用提示请求的办法帮助 终端 用户提供为继续作下去所必须的操作数的一种功能。

  • Moreover terminal user can also get more higher quality services with lower prices .

    不仅如此, 终端 用户也可以从此以更低廉的价格获得更丰富更优质的业务服务。