terminal word

[ˈtɚmənəl wɚd][ˈtə:minəl wə:d]


  • According to the mobile terminal operation ability and storage capacity this paper does not use large participle word library but the simple Bigram word segmentation method we make pretreatment by means of removing stop words segmentation get the message content feature vector .

    针对移动 终端的运算能力和存储能力,本文没有采用大型的 分词词库,而是采用简单易行的Bigram分词方法,通过去除停用词等手段对分词结果进行预处理,得到短信内容的特征向量。

  • A terminal display language or transformation definition language ( TDL ) key - word that specifies a certain quality for the TDL object it is associated with .

    终端显示语言或变换定义语言(TDL)的 关键字,规定与TDL目标有关的某种性质。