Your contract of employment will terminate in December .
你的聘用合同 十二月 到期。
Drop-Call means Channel abnormal terminate in wireless communication .
掉话是指无线移动通信 中的通话异常 中断。
The request can terminate in either an END or ERROR event .
遇到END或ERROR事件时,请求 终止。
If the server doesn 't terminate in the allotted time the server will forcefully terminate and an NSD log will be generated before termination .
如果服务器不 在指定的时间内 终止,那么服务器将被迫终止,并在终止之前生成一个NSD日志。
If we are to have a meaningful expression such a regress must terminate in a connection to the world & an ostensive definition a demonstration a word-to-world connection .
如果我们要拥有一个有意义的表达,这样一个回溯必须 停止 于和世界的一个关联。
The lease will terminate in May .
租约将 于五月 终结。
Terminate process in the event handler
在事件处理程序中 终止流程
Temperature pain and itch sensation are transmitted by unmyelinated nerve fibers which terminate in the papillary dermis and around hair follicles .
温度觉、痛觉、痒觉由无髓鞘神经纤维传导,它们 终止 于真皮乳头层和毛囊周围。
A slight cold may terminate in consumption and death .
轻微的 伤风或许导致 肺病和死亡。
A series of vertical light shafts each features a specific optical surface penetrate the building and terminate in a series of two story interaction spaces .
一系列垂直的光筒深入建筑, 在 终端形成一系列两层的互动空间,每个光筒都是一个特殊的光学表面。
The basalts were intruded by numerous silica dykes some of which terminate in the sedimentary layers . armed / unarmed combat ie with / without weapons
玄武岩被无数的二氧化硅矿脉侵入,其中一些 终止 于沉积岩层.武装的非武装的w_1177斗争
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way .
此应用程序已请求运行时以特殊方式 终止它。
Corneal peripheral vessels terminate in corneal limbus and form the vascular network .
角膜周围血管 终止 于角膜缘,形成血管网。
The lymphatics emerging from the cervix uteri and the lower portion of the corpus uteri terminate in the external iliac nodes the interiliac nodes the internal iliac nodes the paracervical nodes the obturator nodes or the rectal nodes .
子宫颈和体下部的淋巴管多是 直入髂外淋巴结、髂间淋巴结和髂内淋巴结,一部分先入宫颈旁淋巴结、闭孔淋巴结或骶淋巴结,然后再入髂淋巴结。
The intralaminar thalamic nucleus the lateral hypothalamus and the reticular part of substantia nigra sent axons to terminate in the rostral region of the central lateral nucleus with an ipsilateral predominance .
板内核、丘脑下部外侧区和黑质网状部神经元的轴突 终止 在同侧丘脑中央外侧核吻侧区。
The merit of all manual occupations seems to terminate in the inventor . ( No.145 )
所有体力工作的价值似乎都 终止了发明家的继续发现。
The data flow terminates in an unknown item . A data flow can terminate in only one of either a data store interface or process .
数据流结束于未知项。数据流只能 结束 于数据存储、接口或进程之一。
No lines of force originate or terminate in the space surrounding a charge .
在电荷周围的空间 内,并没有电力线的起点或 终点。
All hopes of happiness in this world terminate in pain despair and sorrow .
所有的在这个世界上的希望和快乐 终止 在痛苦,消失和悲伤中。
In cases where taxpayers who owe duty undergo cancellation disband go bankrupt or terminate business in accordance with the law during the period when the bonded goods or goods entitled to duty exemption or reduction are under supervision they shall report to the customs before liquidation .
纳税义务人欠税或者在减免税货物、保税货物监管期间,有撤销、解散、破产或者 其他依法 终止经营情形的,应当在清算前向海关报告。
Moreover the algorithm can terminate in finite steps .
而且,算法具有有限步 收敛性。
In this manner Cosette traversed the labyrinth of tortuous and deserted streets which terminate in the village of Montfermeil on the side of Chelles .
珂赛特便那样穿过了孟费 郿村靠谢尔一面的那些弯曲、荒凉,迷宫似的街道。
In 30 cases ( 47 % ) 1-2 lymph vessels emerge from the uterine tubes and reach the pelvic wall through the broad ligament of uterus and terminate in the external iliac lymph nodes internal iliac lymph nodes and common iliac lymph nodes .
其中17例30侧(47%)输卵管发出1~2条淋巴管经子宫阔韧带 向后外注入 髂 内淋巴结、髂外淋巴结和髂总淋巴结;
Conclusion : Lingual sensory afferent fibers mainly terminate in the VP .
结论:三叉神经感觉主核是舌的主要 终止核团。
A few degenerating fibers terminate in the central gray of the midbrain and the deep stratum of the superior colliculus . Contralateral projections ;
下丘极少量纤维 终止 于中脑中央灰质及上丘深层。
An animal organism in the early stages of growth and differentiation that in higher forms merge into fetal stages but in lower forms terminate in commencement of larval life .
动物生命的早期阶段,区别于胎儿高级阶段,以形成幼虫为 结束。
R_ ( 7a ) approximate many features of R_ ( 1-6 ) cells which have a larger cell body rhabdomere and axon terminate in the first optic neuropil ( lamina ) .
R(7a)的细胞体、感杆和轴突较大,它与外周小网膜细胞R(1~6)相同,其轴突 终止 在第一视神经节(薄板);
Moles also have broad front feet the toes of which terminate in stout claws faced outward for digging .
鼹鼠还拥有宽大的前肢,结实的前爪上长有外翻的足趾,很适于 掘土。
美[ˈtɚməˌnet ɪn]英[ˈtə:mineit in]