term credit

[tɚm ˈkrɛdɪt][tə:m ˈkredit]


  • The Term Structure of Credit Spread with Incomplete Information

    信息非完全时的 信用利差 期限结构

  • In general the message from money is likely to be most useful in the longer term although developments in credit may prove helpful to central banks in the shorter term .

    一般来说,尽管 信用状况变化在短期内对中央银行十分有用,但来自货币的信息在 长期 却更加有用。

  • Banks ' asset quality may also be accentuated in the short term as more credit is brought back on balance sheet .

    随着更多 信贷被计回资产负债表, 短期 银行的资产品质或许会得到重点强调。

  • In long term however should develop credit basis and perform the function of interest rate mechanism .

    长期 来看,则根据传导机制内外影响因素的发展要求,在完善 信用的基础上发展利率机制的作用。

  • In the short term the credit crunch will affect public organisations with deposits in commercial banks and reduce the ability of private sector health providers to borrow to fund developments .

    短期 信贷紧缩将影响到在商业银行有存款的公共机构并减少提供保健服务的私营部门资金发展中的借款能力。

  • Meanwhile credit spreads prediction effect is not very ideal . So China securities market should be further perfected . And to make the term structure of credit spreads to become more effective macroeconomic forecasting index .

    与此同时,信用利差的预测效果还不是十分理想,应进一步完善我国债券市场,以使 信用价差 期限结构成为更有效的宏观经济预测指标。

  • How to take precautions against financial risks especially the credit risk formed in medium and long term credit it is an important subject in front of cadres of bank at all levels .

    如何防范金融风险,特别是中 长期 地产 信贷形成的信贷风险,是摆在各级银行干部面前的一个重要课题。

  • There will be a term paper for graduate credit due on the last day of class .

    最后一堂课时需缴交一份 学期报告,这将列入毕业 学分

  • Our working principle : stably cooperate with our sample suppliers of new patterns for long term ensure the absolute credit for payment of goods and continuously expand the market .

    我司的工作原则:与提供我们新款样品者 长期稳定合作,保证货款支付的绝对 信用,并不断做大市场。

  • At home and abroad research on credit spreads mainly includes bond valuation term structure of credit spreads and factors affecting credit spreads .

    目前国内外对信用价差的研究主要包括债券的估值、 信用价差的 期限结构和信用价差的影响因素等。

  • As investors across Asia assess the longer term implications of the US credit downgrade it is likely to put more focus on currency diversification for institutions .

    随着亚洲各地的投资者开始评估美国 信用降级的较 长期影响,各机构很可能会把更多的注意力放在资产币种多样化上。

  • They have various problems in such respects as term structure of credit interest rate leverage interest rate risk control business variety and bank personnel quality .

    就我 商业银行自身而言,在 信贷 期限结构、利率杠杆作用、利率风险控制、 信贷业务种类、银行人员素质等方面存在各种各样的问题。

  • Increasing agricultural credit of financial institutions could enhance agricultural growth . The long term elasticity of agricultural credit on agricultural GDP is 27 % which states that agricultural credit has distinct effects on agricultural GDP .

    农业 信贷对农业GDP的 长期弹性达27%以上,这表明农业信贷投入对农业GDP增长的绩效显著。

  • This kind of pricing model not only helps to build the term structure of credit spreads which is fit for the financial market status in China but also helps to price the credit derivatives such as asset-backed securities .

    这对构建符合中国金融市场实际情况的 信用利差 期限结构提供了帮助,同时也对资产支持证券等信用衍生产品的定价提供了借鉴。

  • The transformation of the adult higher educational management mode from term system to credit system is a new probe .

    成人高校教学管理由 学年制向 学分制的转化,是一项新的探索。

  • Study on the Corporate Bond Pricing Based on the Term Structure of Credit Spreads

    基于 信用利差 期限结构的企业债券定价研究

  • It shows the questions in the structure of financing : the high assets liabilities ratio of funds and cost of financing the modicum loan of fixed assets the shorten term credit of current assets .

    当前我国 中小企业融资结构存在许多问题:资产负债率 相对较高, 融资成本也高;

  • Capital market consists of stock market corporate bond market and long and middle term credit market .

    资本市场包括股票市场、企业债券市场和银行中 长期 信贷市场。

  • The term of credit has a long history .


  • Besides with the short term bank credit rate becoming higher the firm is less restricted by the coefficient of financial distress function .

    另外,随着 短期银行 信用利率的提高,与上游供应商和银行发生交易的企业受财务危机成本函数系数的约束越来越小。

  • The school was granted the 10-year term credit in October just after the global financial crisis took hold in Russia .

    该学院于10月份获得了此笔10年 贷款,恰好在全球金融危机波及俄罗斯之后。

  • The Model parameters can be estimated though the term structure of the credit spreads of the assets and the daily quotes from the market .

    模型的参数可以通过标的资产 信用价差的 期限结构进行估计。

  • Pet or beauty are useful for variety 's sake but angel is the term that brings you the greatest credit for sense and good-feeling .

    为了避免千篇一律,“小家伙”或“小美人”的叫法也很有用,不过,“天使”是能在赢得好感方面给你带来最大 收益 术语

  • The accounting of the enterprise bond is involved respectively in two parts of of the long - term credit - investment and the bond payable and because both of the two things are based on the bond the connection between the two things is inevitable .

    企业债券的会计核算,在《企业会计制度》中分别在 长期 债权投资和应付债券两个部分中涉及,由于都是针对债券而言的,所以两者的联系是必然的。

  • Bills of exchange also referred to as bills are essentially a short term credit instrument that can be used by a company either for financing or investment .

    汇票,也叫单据,首要指一种可用作公司筹资或投资的 短期 信用单据。

  • The term subprime refers to the credit quality of particular borrowers who have weakened credit histories and a greater risk of loan default than prime borrowers .

    次级系统涉及到特别贷款者的 贷款质量,这个系统使 赊贷历史和一个首要贷款者更大的贷款违约变得薄弱。

  • In succession under the framework of reduced-form model this paper builds an improved corporate bonds pricing model based on term structure of credit spreads .

    并在简约模型的框架下构建了一个改进型的基于 信用利差 期限结构的公司债券定价模型。

  • On Tuesday Standard & Poor 's informed that they will put our A long term and A-1 short term ratings on negative credit watch .

    周二,标准普尔通知我们,将诺基亚的长期 信贷评级调整为A级, 短期 信贷评级调整为A-1级。

  • A year ago few people had heard of the term credit crunch but the phrase has now entered dictionaries .

    一年前,只有少数人听闻 信贷紧缩这个 专业 术语,但是现在这个词组已经进入了词典。