term of time

[tɚm ʌv taɪm][tə:m ɔv taim]

[法] 期限

  • Using this method the stochastic term of the time series is easily gained by eliminating the periodic term and model the time series models to forecast it .

    此方法易于从序列中剔除周期项获取随机项,并对随机 建立 时间序列预测模型进行预测。

  • Stages of development were divided in term of time .

    并可在 时间 序列上划分为4个不同的发展阶段。

  • Relating to or occurring in a term or fixed period of time .

    关于或发生在一个 期限或每个固定期限

  • A colloquial term for a crisis of this time scale is a decennial crisis ( meaning one that occurs after about ten years ) .

    阿口语 任期危机这一 时间尺度是一个“十年危机”(意思是一个发生在10年左右)。

  • Every year about 50 percent of the people undergoing the education-through-labor program have their term reduced or are released ahead of time .

    目前,在劳动教养人员中,每年约有50%的人被减少劳动教养 期限 提前解除劳动教养。

  • Since the long term of the structural service time the environment and other factors will lead to the damage . With the increasing of traffic speed vehicle load excite more and more effect to the bridge .

    由于结构的设计服役 较长,环境因素的影响大,加之现在车速不断的提高,车辆荷载对桥梁结构的激振作用越来越明显。

  • The smoothing method reduces the data sampling rate of the pseudo-range measurement and improves the short term stability of the time transfer .

    最后,研究了GPSCP平滑码伪距测量,平滑方法缩短了码测量的数据采样率,提高了 时间传递的 短期稳定

  • The target track correlation of radar is a multi-classification problem and it is difficult to obtain prior knowledge and sample data in advance . In term of observing time sequence this problem can be divided into several dyadic problems .

    雷达的目标航迹关联是一个多元分类问题,且难于事先获取先验知识和样本数据, 观测 时序的角度,将该问题分解成若干二元分类问题。

  • Because data frames arrive in term of time slot for the communication interface integrated chips the pipeline data path is an effective optimization method .

    对于通信接口芯片设计,数据帧依照 时间顺序依次到达,因此,采用流水线数据通道对帧数据进行处理是有效的优化方法。

  • Pore water pressure inward and outward bucket about the silt changes in term of the time of wave action and different loading wave parameters .

    粉土中,桶基内外土体中孔压随波浪作用 时间和加载波参数不同而变化,阐述了不同传感器处土体孔压表现不同的机理和原因。

  • Phased aging and progressive accommodation in term of time ;

    时间上具有阶段性和 累进的性质;

  • From the scale analysis it is found that on the average in the equation of motion the term of the time derivative is one order of magnitude smaller than the main terms in the meso - and small-scale motion .

    由尺度分析可以发现:在一般中小尺度运动方程中, 时间导数 较其中的各主要项小一个量极。

  • Time Division Multiple Access ( TDMA ) network protocol uses the orthogonality of time to achieve channel sharing . Each node of the network works in term of time slot mode so collision and competition do not exist .

    TDMA(时分多址)网络协议是利用时间的正交性实现信道共享,网 各个站点 按照 时隙方式工作,不存在发生碰撞和相互竞争问题。

  • Then we proceed to analyse the distribution of the solar radiation energy in term of time and space in Sichuan .

    进而对 全省太阳辐射能 时空分布进行了分析。

  • Results The structured report module based on PACS could structure image diagnosis report in inerrability structure in term of compute . The time and period of reports were shortened and utilization of report original datum were improved .

    结果基于PACS的结构化报告模块能将影像诊断报告 按照计算机可以明确无误的结构方式组织起来,缩短诊断报告 时间和周期,提高对报告原始资料信息的利用率。

  • In the early weeks of the term about half of classroom time is lecture and half is discussion .

    学期开始的几个星期,授课 时间与讨论 时间将占课堂 时间的一半。

  • The long term stabilities of the classical instruments for time and latitude observation referred to BIH 1968 system are calculated and compared in this paper .

    本文以国际 时间局(BIH)1968系统为参考,对经典测时测纬仪器的 长期稳定性进行了计算和比较;

  • With the theory basis discussed above the paper analyzed the information asymmetry in term of the time of the enterprise informationization they are demand analysis stage actualization stage and maintenance stage .

    在上述理论研究基础之上,论文 按照企业信息化的三个 时间过程来予以信息不对称分析。

  • The wages and welfare during the term of office of the full time chairman vice-chairman of the trade union of enterprises institutions and other organizations shall be contrasted with the related regulations of country or city .

    企业、业单位和其他组织 专职工会主席、主席 任职期间的工资和待遇按照国家和本市有关规定执行。

  • Effect of Hibernation Term of Seedling and Planting Time Selection on Afforestation Survival Rate

    苗木冬眠 期限与造林 时间选择对造林成活率的影响

  • In this thesis sufficient conditions of the desired filter or controller of discrete time switched systems are derived in term of average dwell time dwell time and event-driven strategy .

    本文通过平均驻留 时间、驻留时间和状态依赖切换方法,研究离散切换系统在 异步切换下控制器和滤波器的设计问题。

  • Therefore we alter the disequilibrium term by the information of time irreversibility ( information of nonlinear sequence dynamics ) and present a novel statistical complexity measure which is used to quantify the complexity caused by nonlinear dynamics .

    采用 CLMC的统计复杂性度量的形式,并利用 时间不可逆性(序列的动力非线性信息)作为补偿 ,提出一种新的统计复杂性度量方法。

  • The defect position can be evaluated in term of the time between the defect waves and reflect waves from plate edge .

    根据缺陷回波与板端回波的传播 时间差,可计算出缺陷的位置。

  • That Buddhism had influenced the legislation of that time through words and terms could be seen from the legal term that is the legal term of that time had the nature of Buddhism .

    当时的一些法律 用语佛教化这一情形中,也可发觉出佛教通过语词影响立法的情况。