


  • On Renewal of Slope-Land Resources in the View of Construction of land Terracing at Xiji County

    从西吉县 梯田建设看山坡地资源的更新

  • Experimental extension and benefit of mechanized terracing of fields in Qinghai Province

    青海省 机修 梯田的试验推广及效益

  • Terracing of the land on the slopes & the hey to construction of infrastructure of the West china ′ s agriculture

    坡耕地 &西部农业基础设施建设的重点

  • Terracing required the development of roads that facilitated the access of vehicles and farm equipment and labor to these areas .

    梯田 建设要求修建道路,以便车辆和农用设备进入建设区。

  • The traditional lawn has been replaced by low-cost terracing with a raised pool and waterfall .

    传统的草坪已经被低成本 梯田所取代, 梯田上有个高位水塘和瀑布似的水流。

  • Study on hedgerow cropping technology integrated with gradually terracing land in Guizhou

    贵州省植物篱逐步 技术试验研究

  • They had to do the levelling first and then the terracing .

    他们先得平地,然后 再造 梯田

  • For bringing rocky desertification under control and improving the local ecological environment returning farmland to forest terracing planting herbs etc as the measure are taken .

    为治理石漠化,改善当地生态环境,采取了退耕还林、 、中草药种植等不同的生态恢复措施。

  • Terracing not only increased average yields but also significantly lowered their variability .

    梯田 建设不仅增加了粮食平均产量,也大大提高了产量的稳定性。

  • A set of measures including land terracing soil and water protection soil erosion control speeding up engineering of terraced fields and improving soil fertility is suited and practicable in mountainous area especially in uplands .

    通过实施土 平整拦截水土等措施,控制水土流失,加速坡土梯化和培肥土壤的进程,实践证明在贵州省山区耕地,特别是旱坡地 采用是可行的。

  • Benefit cost analysis for terracing a case study in karst area of Guizhou Province


  • Land loss and terracing of the land on the slopes of the central and West china 's fragile ecological zone

    我国中西部生态脆弱带坡耕地水土流失及 坡地

  • Overall the order of daily soil temperature is returning farmland to forest terracing Chinese herb .

    总体上来说,对于气温的 调节 作用 依次是退耕还林、 、中草药种植。

  • Economic Effect Analysis of Terracing in Gullied Rolling Loess Region

    黄土高原丘陵沟壑区 梯田经济效益分析

  • Many clubs want to keep terracing at their grounds .

    许多俱乐部都想在自己的运动场地保留 看台

  • Terracing is one of important engineering measures on slope and field .

    而坡面田间工程措施主要是 梯田

  • Study on terracing dynamic reclamation of mining collapsed area

    矿区塌陷地 梯次动态复垦研究