


  • Control of gang activity is a very serious police responsibility because youth gangs can terrorize a neighborhood .

    控制流氓集团的行动已成为警察的重任,因为这种集团能 使一个地段的 居民 陷入 恐怖 之中

  • How had this monster been allowed to terrorize the poor girl unchallenged ? he wondered .

    怎么会让这个恶魔 欺凌那个可怜的姑娘如此之 ,而没受到制止和制裁呢?

  • Several futile attempts to terrorize the Poseidons were attempted by the Aryans and each was quelled .

    雅利安人几度徒劳地企图 恐吓波塞顿人,但每次都被平息。

  • And they terrorize us she said .

    他们 恐吓我们,她说。

  • They wanted to terrorize us but as Americans we refuse to live in fear .

    他们企图 危险我们,但是,作为美国人,我们没有生活在恐惧中。

  • If you want to terrorize and think that it 's your right to ban the free women from wearing the Burka .

    如果你们想要 实施 恐吓 政策,认为你们有权禁止女性穿戴布卡的权利。

  • Thirsting for a gutsy country to terrorize ? Try France or maybe China .

    你们渴望找到某个勇敢的国家 实施 恐怖主义吗?去试试法国或者中国吧。

  • For the sake of their young they will blacken the skies and terrorize rainforest floras .

    为了他们的年轻一代,他们就将天空染黑, 恐吓热带雨林。

  • Bands of gunmen have hijacked food shipments and terrorized relief workers .

    几伙持枪歹徒劫持了运输的食品, 恐吓了救援人员。

  • Even as we come to learn how this happened and who 's responsible we may never understand what leads anyone to terrorize their fellow human beings .

    即便是我们在调查该案件如何发生以及谁是肇事者的时候,我们始终也无法理解是什么样的事情让一个人 如此 残忍 对待他的人类同胞。

  • And having freed them they did n 't want to have anything to do with them except to use them to terrorize southerners .

    既然解放了黑人,他们又不愿和黑人打交道,只一 利用他们来 恐吓南方人。

  • In this declaration the king promised not to terrorize Babylon nor destroy its institutions and culture .

    在这个宣告中,国王承诺不会对巴比伦 实行 恐怖 统治,也不会破坏它的社会制度和文化。

  • The hybrid mutants were used to terrorize those who opposed them in Aryan and Og and on one occasion this was futilely attempted in Poseida .

    混合突变体被用来 恐吓那些在雅利安和OG反对他们的人,这一次对波塞顿人的企图是徒劳无功的。

  • As the karma for warfare is cleared in full throughout the human species the human need to war or terrorize another will cease .

    当人类物种当中的战争业力被完全清理掉时,人类对于战争或者 恐吓别人的需要,就将停止。

  • There is no law and order and motorcycle gangs terrorize the country .

    世间没有法律和秩序,只有飞车党 横行霸道

  • A learner 's permit is a legal document that allows a teenager to terrorize a parent without fear of prosecution .

    初学者驾照是一份具有法律效力的文件,允许青少年 恐吓父母而不必担心被起诉。

  • Taken to an extreme this strategy can intimidate and terrorize .

    更极端的是,这种策略甚至会让 恐惧

  • They terrorize villages sleep with what women they please eat off of others and do no work .

    这些 在村里为 ,到处搞女人,抢食物,就是不劳动。

  • A thrush overhears him telling the news of the weakness to the dwarves and leaves to inform Bard at Lake-town which is a good thing because the dragon has left the mountain to terrorize the townspeople .

    有人偷听到了他告诉矮人龙的弱点的消息,并去告知了长湖镇的巴尔德,这是好事,因为史矛革随后离开了山, 袭击了镇民。

  • They just regarded the alliance as an immanent to terrorize their enemies in the war and had done what as their own will to take advantage of each other .

    在战争中, 两国仅将这一同盟视为 威慑各自敌国的 工具 而已双方抱着相互利用的态度而 自行其是

  • As we arrived at his apartment in Malibu Huang casually mentioned that his mother had on more than one occasion turned the wheel of her car sharply into oncoming traffic to terrorize her children into compliance .

    我们到了他在马里布的公寓以后,黄很随意地提起,他母亲好几次把车突然转向马路对面的车流以 吓唬孩子们就范。