territorial air

[ˌtɛrɪˈtɔriəl er][ˌterɪˈtɔ:ri:əl eə(r)]

[法] 领空

  • The present international convention defined that the territorial air of a country is limited to less than 80-110 km high . Over this attitude belongs to the open air and allows free aviation to all flying objects including artificial satellite to do anything lawful e.

    现代国际公约规定,一国的 领空限制在80&110千米以下,在此以上像公海一样属于公空,可以自由飞行,因此容许 别国飞行物,包括人造卫星,进行各种正常活动,如:探测,照相等等。

  • A number of enemy planes were brought down the moment they intruded into our territorial air .

    许多敌机一侵入我们的 领空就被击落。

  • Civil air defense is an important part of modern territorial air defense charged with the protection of life and property safety .

    人民防空是现代 国土 防空的重要组成部分,担负着保护人民生命和财产安全的重要职责。

  • They raise in an all-round way the level of routine combat readiness intensify scenario-oriented exercises and drills conduct well-organized border coastal and territorial air patrols and duties for combat readiness and handle appropriately various crises and major emergencies .

    全面提高日常战备水平,加强针对性战备演习演练,周密组织边海 空防战备巡逻和执勤,妥善应对各种危机和重大突发事件。

  • International Air Services Transit Agreement established two freedom of fly across territorial air space and technical land ;

    《国际航空过境协定》确定了飞越 领空与技术性着陆两大自由;