The agreement gives the territory limited self-rule .
这个协议规定该 地区 享有有限的自治权。
You may have free passage across our territory whenever you require it .
无论你什么时候需要,都可以自由穿过我们的 领地。
He toured some of the disputed territories now under UN control .
他去一些目前由联合国接管的争议 地区巡视了一番。
The ' families ' are the basic units each holding sway over a recognised territory .
“家庭”是基本单位,每一个家庭都控制着自己受人认可的 领地。
Carter 's fourth album definitely moves into uncharted territory .
卡特的第四张专辑无疑涉足了全新的 领域。
You can 't expect not to have a debate ; that 's what comes with the territory in a democracy .
不要指望不会发生辩论,那在民主社会已成为 必然。
Following the futuristic The Handmaid 's Tale Margaret Atwood 's seventh novel Cat 's Eye returns to more familiar territory
写完了具有未来色彩的《女仆的故事》之后,玛格丽特·阿特伍德的第七部小说《猫眼》回归到了人们较 熟悉的题材 上。
Taiwan is an inalienable part of Chinese territory .
台湾是中国 领土不可分割的一部分。
Doing human rights work is risky business . That comes with the territory
做人权工作是要冒风险的。这是 难免的。
Israel captured the territory in the 1967 War .
在1967年的战争中,以色列占领了这块 领土。
Let 's meet on neutral territory
我们在中立 地区会面吧。
Our country has a vast territory and abundant resources .
我国 土地 辽阔,资源丰富。
They were now deep inside rebel territory .
他们现在已深入叛军 占领 区。
In 1990 200 Soviet Jews resettled on Israeli territory .
在1990年,20万名苏联犹太人在以色列重新 定居。
Our country has a large population vast territory and abundant resources .
我国人口众多, 地大物博。
They were in hostile territory .
他们在敌方 领土 上。
This is my territory . I want you out of here .
这是我的 地盘。我要你离开。
They just want to return to their families in the occupied territories
他们只是想回到在占领 区的家人身边。
Although the Yakutians are a minority they have firm control of the territory
尽管雅库特人是少数民族,但他们却牢牢地掌控着这块 版图。
On May 1st the army took over another swathe of territory
军队在5月1号又接管了另一长条 领土。
Greece has always stressed that it had no designs on the territory .
希腊一直强调它对这 片 领土没有任何企图。
The government denies that any of its territory is under rebel control .
政府否认有 领土被反叛分子所控制。
The territory of a cat only remains fixed for as long as the cat dominates the area .
猫的 地盘只在它占据那个地方的时候是固定不变的。
Georgia refuses to give up any territory
格鲁吉亚拒绝出让任何 领土。
Rival claims to Macedonian territory caused conflict in the Balkans .
多方主张拥有对马其顿的 领土 主权,结果在巴尔干地区引发了冲突。
He would like an assurance that other forces will not move into the territory that his forces vacate
他想确保其他势力不会在他的军队撤离后进入这个 地区。
The first aim of his government would be to establish control over the republic 's territory .
他这届政府的首要目标是确立对共和国 领土的控制权。
We 'll wipe out any enemy that dares to invade our territory .
敌人 胆敢来犯,我们就把它消灭。