tertiary creep

[ˈtə:ʃiˌɛri krip][ˈtɜ:ʃi:ˌeri: kri:p]


  • The stable eutectic carbides with complex morphologyprevent coalescence of grain boundary voids and therefore prolong tertiary creep stage and rupture time .

    在晶界上形成形态复杂稳定的碳化物能阻止空洞的连接,从而延长了 蠕变 阶段,增加了断裂时间。

  • No plastic deformation and tertiary stage creep deformation take place in the frozen wall .

    基坑施工过程中冻土墙内基本无塑性变形,且不发生非 衰减 蠕变

  • The approach to similar tertiary strain rates has been found for core ice and laboratory prepared ice associated with the development of tertiary creep .

    随着 应变 阶段的发展,冰芯冰和人造冰的第三应变率趋近相同的恒定值。