


  • Biological marks of the crude Oil contain long lateral chain of tricyclic terpane and the content of gammacerane is low .

    原油生物标志 化合物 分布,见长侧链三环 γ 蜡烷丰度较低。

  • Behavior of sterane and terpane molecular components in PVT fractionation experiment

    PVT分馏实验中甾、 分子的行为

  • The spectrums of sterane and terpane were simulated and compared with some parameters and spectrums of actual mixed crude . A satisfactory result has been obtained .

    对混合原油甾烷、 谱图进行了数值模拟,与实际的混合原油的甾烷、 谱图和参数进行了比较,得出了令人满意的结果。

  • The biomarkers of the oil are characterized by the followings : the content of pentacyclic terpane is larger than that of tricyclic terpane with C_ ( 30 ) hopane and C_ ( 29 ) norhopane as the dominant components and gammacerane as the minor component ;

    原油生物标志物特征是,五环 含量高于三环萜烷,以C30-藿烷、C29-降藿烷为主,伽马蜡烷含量少;

  • This paper uses technology of heavy hydrocarbon concentration of natural gas to detect biological markers of sterane and terpane and defines gas-source of biodegradation gas with the aid of data of rare gas isotopes Basis is provided for Clarifying exploratory target .

    本文利用天然气重烃富集技术,在天然气中检测出了甾 生物标志物,并借助稀有气体同位素资料,确定了该类气体的气源,为明确勘探目标提供了依据。

  • Crude oil analyses such as group compositions carbon isotopes and gas chromatograms of saturated hydrocarbon as well as characteristics of terpane sterane and other biomarkers indicate that crude oil in Yanchang-Yan'an Formations in Ansai-Fuxian area have similar geochemical behaviors and are of low-mature-mature oil .

    原油族组成、碳同位素、饱和烃气相色谱及 、甾烷等生物标志化合物特征分析显示,鄂尔多斯盆地安塞-富县地区延长组-延安组原油地球化学特征相近,为低成熟-成熟原油。