


  • ' Wonderful ! ' he exclaimed in the familiar warm voice that made everybody who knew him feel welcome


  • Sharon was a wonderful lady and I know she 'll be greatly missed .

    莎伦是一位 了不起的女士,我知道人们会非常想念她的。

  • They have just returned from faraway places with wonderful stories to tell .

    他们刚从遥远的地方回来,有很多 精彩的故事要讲。

  • This is a wonderful achievement without precedent in Chinese history .

    这是中国历史上 亘古未有 绩。

  • His health is wonderful for a man of his age .

    就年纪而论,他的身体 好极了。

  • Wonderful . Right let 's go to our next caller .


  • The cold misty air felt wonderful on his face

    雾蒙蒙的寒冷空气使他脸上感觉 舒爽

  • We visited the local markets and saw wonderful arrays of fruit and vegetables .

    我们去了当地的市场,看见 一排排摆放整齐的水果和蔬菜。

  • ' Such lovely clothes . I 'd no idea Milan was so wonderful ' she raved .

    “这些时装太漂亮了。我没想到米兰是如此的 精彩,”她赞不绝口。

  • I grew up around people who had wonderful mellifluous voices

    从小到大,生活在我周围的人都有着 悦耳动听的嗓音

  • I am going to show you the sights of our wonderful city

    我会带你浏览我们 美丽城市的风景名胜。

  • The woman I regarded as my fairy godmother was Sybil . She was wonderful to me .

    被我视为贵人的女子叫西比尔。她待我 好极了。

  • That brings to mind a wonderful poem by Riokin

    那使我记起了 里奥金的一首很赞的诗

  • Come to my suite so I can tell you all about this wonderful play I saw in Boston

    到我的套房来吧,这样我就可以跟你好好讲讲我在波士顿看的这 非常 的戏了。

  • I know a wonderful restaurant where we can have lunch next week .

    我知道一家 不错的餐厅,下周我们可以去那里吃午饭。

  • ' Thank you for the wonderful dinner . ' — ' It 's nothing ' Sarah said

    “谢谢你招待了 这么 美味的晚餐。”——“这没什么,”萨拉说。

  • I cried : ' It 's wonderful news ! '

    我叫道:“真是 消息!”

  • They had a wonderful time and so did I

    他们 开心,我也一样。

  • She was a wonderful companion and her generosity to me was entirely selfless

    她是一个 极好的伴侣,她对我慷慨大方,一心只为我着想。

  • It was a wonderful occasion which we will cherish for many years to come .

    那是一个 美好的时刻,我们将多年不忘。

  • I had a wonderful feeling of peace and serenity when I saw my husband

    看到我丈夫时,我有一种异常平静安详的 奇妙感觉。

  • Liz was wonderful fun to be with .

    莉兹 非常有趣的伙伴。

  • She grew many wonderful plants that were unfamiliar to me

    她种了很多我不熟悉的 奇妙植物。

  • Sustained by this wonderful breakfast it was with restored morale that we re-boarded our plane .

    这顿 丰盛的早餐补充了我们的体力,我们又精神焕发地登上了飞机。

  • His photo is a wonderful happy moment caught with perfect timing

    他拍的照片时机掌握完美,记录下了 动人的快乐瞬间。

  • It 's a wonderful city really . I 'll show it to you if you want

    这真是一座 很棒的城市,如果你愿意的话我领你看看。

  • We 'll have a wonderful time tomorrow .

    明天我们要 痛快

  • It 's wonderful to see you

    见到你 真好

  • I 've always thought he was a wonderful actor .

    我一直认为他是个 出色的演员。