
[wʌn, won][wʌn]

v.获胜,战胜( win的过去式和过去分词 )

  • At last they won their freedom .

    他们终于 赢得 自由。

  • Steve Lewis won the first semi-final .

    史蒂夫·刘易斯 第一场半决赛。

  • They won the Grand Slam in 1990 .

    他们1990年 赢得 大满贯。

  • You will take me tomorrow won 't you ?

    你明天会带上我的, 不是吗?

  • Hopefully you won 't have any problems after reading this .

    希望你读完这个后 不会有任何问题了。

  • If you went to the wrong school you won 't get the job

    如果你进错了学校,就 不到这份工作。

  • Well I 'm afraid my plan won 't be fulfilled .

    唉,我的计划恐怕 不能实现

  • If you go on like this I won 't be so easy on you .

    你再如此,我 要不客气了。

  • Our team won three matches drew one and lost two .

    我们队 三局,和了一局,败了两局。

  • We won three games against Australia .

    我们 3场对澳大利亚的比赛。

  • No no no. This won 't do . Someone is off-key .

    不,不, ,这怎么行,有人唱走调了。

  • His determination and refusal to back down had won the day

    他的坚定和拒不退让使他 赢得 胜利

  • If the weather 's no good then I won 't take any pictures

    如果天气不好,我 不拍照了。

  • If Michael won he would undo everything I have fought for .

    如果迈克尔 ,那我一直以来努力争取的一切都将白费。

  • You will join us at our table won 't you ?


  • This won 't hurt — you will just feel a little sting .


  • Who won the game ?


  • I won 't tell anyone I saw you here


  • They have won previous pay disputes with the government


  • They won plaudits and prizes for their accomplished films .

    他们因其高水准的电影 赢得 赞扬和奖项。

  • So you won 't go tomorrow eh ?


  • I won 't go out today ; I 'll stay in and work .

    今天我 出去了,我留在家里工作。

  • We won by five points .

    我们 5分。

  • In that case we won 't wait any longer .

    那我们 不再等了。

  • She has won the title of the world 's champion .

    获得 世界冠军的称号。

  • If it rains tomorrow we won 't go .

    明天要是下雨,我们 不去了。

  • The patient won 't pull through I 'm afraid .

    病人怕 不行了。

  • If you were wrong admit it . You won 't lose dignity but will gain respect

    如果你错了,那就承认。你 不会 因此而失去尊严,反而会赢得尊重。

  • She won the individual gold medal at the Winter Olympics .

    她在冬奥会上 获得 个人金牌。

  • It 's outrageous and we won 't stand for it any more .

    这太不像话了,我们 不能容忍下去了。