tell a story

[tɛl e ˈstɔri][tel ə ˈstɔ:ri]


  • It was Ekwefi 's turn to tell a story .

    现在,轮到爱克蔚菲 故事了。

  • When you tell a story it is a series of events which happen in chronological order .

    当你在 故事时,实际上是在 一系列按一定逻辑顺序发生的事情。

  • If you tell a story you 'd better tell it to the full .


  • Tell a story if you can .

    如果可以的话, 故事

  • The journalist kept on inspiring me letting me tell a story and a moment of happiness .

    这位记者还是反复地启发我,一定要让我 关于幸福的 故事和幸福的时刻。

  • It uses3D technology and special effects to tell a story with a theme that righteousness can always defeat evil .

    它用3D技术和特技 讲述 邪不胜正的 故事

  • And I 'm about to tell a story which is truly embarrassing for me but I think important .

    我将 对我来说是 真正尴尬的 故事,但我认为它很重要。

  • I do not claim that I can tell a story as it ought to be told .

    我不是说我能够 故事 得如何好。

  • When people ask me where to find love I tell a story about one of my first job interviews .

    当人们问我到哪儿去寻找爱时,我就 我第一次找工作那会儿所 经历的一次面谈的 故事

  • You know how you tell a story .

    你也知道嘛,就是你 故事的方式。

  • With this warning issued I can now tell a story that happened to me a few days ago .

    既然我做出了上述警告,就可以 个几天前发生在我身上的 儿。

  • Let me tell a story of how Mara tried to confound the Buddha .

    让我 恶魔如何诳惑佛陀的 故事

  • So do you think that these pictures ? Are are they trying to tell a story ?

    你们是否认为这些照片。试图在 什么 故事

  • Have you ever heard yourself tell a story ?

    你没听过自己 故事吗?

  • Each week at this time we will tell a story from the history of the United States of America .

    在每周的这个时候我们都会 讲述 关于美国历史的 故事

  • Knows how to tell a story too .

    他也确实会 故事

  • Tell a story that only the two of you know .

    讲述 只有你们两个人知道的 故事

  • You listen carefully then tell a story of your own .

    你仔细听,然后 讲述你自己的 经历

  • Now the task is to draw from the knowledge you have gained to tell a story about the site .

    现在的任务是总结你所得到的知识, 讲述关于 的研究基地的 故事

  • Now I will tell a story about a monkey – Bangbang .

    现在,我将为 大家讲一个猴子帮帮的 故事

  • Okay it 's your turn to tell a story .

    好了,轮到你 故事了。

  • He went on to tell a story .

    他继续又 故事

  • Can you hear me tell a story clearly ?

    你能清楚听到我 故事吗?

  • Their songs tell a story and I can always relate to it .

    他们的音乐仿佛在 描述 故事,而我总是能投入进去。

  • You tell a story for maximum impact .

    你选择 讲述 故事以取得最大的效果。

  • Ow I am going to tell a story said the wind .

    现在我要 故事了!风说道。

  • Certainly these facts tell a story . But it is only partial .

    当然,这些 实情,但仅仅是部分事实。

  • So uh I will tell a story about this using all your senses .

    那么,额,讲到这个“利用你各方面的感觉”,我就要 故事了。

  • Anyone can tell a story about any object-these or any others I said .

    大家可以就任何一 东西盘子上的或者其他什么东西 来讲 故事

  • I bring people together and choose the right elements to tell a story .

    我把人凑齐,选择合适的元素 来讲 故事