the flow of soul

[ði flo ʌv sol][ðə fləu ɔv səul]


  • The smooth flow of information which is the soul of the internet is the key to activate internet applications and promote their developments .

    信息作为互联网的 灵魂,它 顺畅 流动是激活互联网应用并促进其发展的关键。

  • At their monthly meeting the members of the literary club had a feast of reason and flow of soul .

    在每月一次的聚会上,文学俱乐部成员们妙语 生花,纵情畅谈。

  • The energies now flow through all of your chakras - awakening - stirring your soul .

    现在,能量经由你所有查克拉 流动&唤醒-搅动你的 灵魂

  • I love the words of hysterics and the sentences that flow on like dysentery and mirror all the sick images of the soul ;

    爱歇斯底里 疯话、像拉痢疾一样一泻而出的句子和 灵魂全部病态的映像;