the whole way

[ði hol we][ðə həul wei]


  • This paper introduces location service which is one of value-added service based on the CDMA intelligent network and describes the network construction technical problem and solution of this service at the same time throw the whole way into developing this service .

    本文主要介绍基于CDMA智能网平台的一种增值业务&位置服务,阐述这个业务的网络结构、涉及到的技术问题和解决方案,并将 这个 整体 思路投入到开发业务中去。

  • If human being are not capable of protecting the earth the earth would be attaced by all the aliens aroud the whole Milky way .

    如果人类没有能力保护地球,我们 整个 银河系的外星人就会开始侵占地球了!

  • Mum slept almost the whole way .

    妈妈 全程几乎都在睡觉。

  • We walked the whole way to the station a matter of3 miles .

    我们 一直走到车站,大约3英里的路程。

  • / The girl in the dress cried the whole way home / I should 've known is the tunes chorus .

    /穿着连衣裙的女孩哭了一 回家/我早该知道的,这是这首歌的副歌部分。

  • The production process is unique but equipment conditions is so simple the whole way by hand so its not whole accorded with modern food manufacturing .

    制作工艺独特,但要求的设备条件相对简单, 整个加工工艺均以粗放、手工 方式为主,存在许多不符合现代食品制造要求的地方。

  • Liang spent the whole night this way collecting frogs from his bed .

    梁就 这么忙了 晚,在他的床上不停地拣青蛙。

  • I could begin to see out of a new paradigm the whole way a Jedi Knight 's basic philosophy in training is manifested in different circumstances .

    这样一个特殊的环境里,我渐渐从绝地武士的训练哲学中 出了一种新 思想观念。

  • He says creativity and curiosity drove him the whole way .

    他说,创造和好奇 一直在驱动着他。

  • You know that kid was crying in the car the whole way home ?

    你知道么,回来 路上那孩子一直在哭?

  • They had sailed the whole way from Arabia along the Indian coasts .

    他们沿着印度的海岸从阿拉伯半岛 航行到 中国

  • Now we know you love those falling tetrominoes and we give you the whole new way to deal with them !

    大家都喜欢玩俄罗斯方块,现在旋转方块为大家提供了 全新 玩法

  • He stuck them carefully on his own glasses and smiled the whole way to school .

    他小心翼翼地把它们贴到自己的眼镜片上,去学校 路上他都是 笑眯眯的。

  • The experimental group receives PTM in English and the control group receives the whole language way .

    试验组接受自然拼读教学法而对比组接受 语言教学

  • He was thinking that one up the whole way home .

    他在想一个人占据 所有 地盘

  • He explained the whole thing from way back .

    他把 件事情解释 很透彻。

  • Only losing pyramid can be horizontal to wear the whole Milky Way don 't fear to an outside naturally bad thunderbolt fury .

    光输金字塔可以横穿 整个 银河,自然不惧外面恶劣的雷霆震怒。

  • I can 't wait to see how far they can go and will be there cheering them on the whole way .

    我已经迫不及待看他们在季后赛中的表现,并且 为他们加油喝彩。

  • For this article I 'm only going to allow the feeds to be viewed through the script syntax although I really could go the whole way using script tags as the data transport mechanism .

    本文将仅允许通过脚本语法查看提要,但我确实会 完整 使用脚本标记作为数据传输机制。

  • There is no village no residence and barely any human trace for the whole way except occasional yak herds .

    路上,没有村庄,没有居民,除了偶尔看到放牦牛 ,几乎没有人迹。

  • Having decided to do that he went the whole way with it .

    一经决定之后,他就 事情做到底。

  • He sat next to me in the car and slept the whole way .

    在车上,他坐在我旁边,一 路上都在睡觉。

  • He has played the whole way in the basketball .


  • I headed back to Charlie 's house fighting tears the whole way there .

    我径直开回查理的家, 路上努力不让眼泪掉下来。

  • You lifted me up the whole way and I will always be grateful for everything that you 've done and all the incredible work that you put in .

    走来,多亏你们的辅佐。我会永远为你们所付出的一切和所有卓越 至的工作而心怀感激。

  • Those rides at amusement parks and fairs that zip around so fast that the people riding them scream the whole way .

    这些在游乐园里的过山车飞快地转着,很多乘坐的人 整个 过程都大声尖叫。

  • The'more'being that it will hold your reader 's interest the whole way through .

    这里的“更多”是指能使你的客户有兴趣把 封信 读完

  • I 'd say pretty much the whole entire way .

    我是说 路上开我玩笑。