Took the fictions and informal essays as the two wheels of a truck in literature life in his literature creation activities and he made a general exposure and criticism of Invasion War in his informal essays .
大江健三郎在文学创作活动中,是把小说和随笔视为文学 生活中的车 之 两轮,他通过文学中 两轮的随笔之 轮对侵略战争进行总清算。
To the left of the wheels is the Pillar of Shor which explores PAST LIFE EXPERIENCE .
向左边 的 车轮是支柱绍尔,探讨了过去的 生活经验。
Group Insurance is an important component of the life insurance and is one of the two wheels of a set of horse-drawn vehicle which constitute life insurance .
团体保险是我国寿险事业的重要组成部分,是构成 寿险这套马车 的两个 轮子中的一个。
Given how slowly the wheels of justice grind the legal victories granted apple so far have been against devices whose shelf life had nearly expired .
由于 漫长的诉讼过程,目前苹果取得的胜利 都只是针对即将过时的设备。
The results showed that the efficiency of the wheels made of diamond with corundum coating increased by 35 % its life time also prolonged by 35 % .
结果表明,采用刚玉涂覆的金刚石制造 的树脂 砂轮,其工作效率比未采用刚玉涂覆处理的金刚石制造的树脂基 砂轮提高了35%, 使用 寿命延长35%以上;