theory of automata

[ˈθiəri ʌv ɔˈtɑmətə][ˈθiəri ɔv ˈɔ:təmətə]

[计] 自动机理论

  • Through the analysis to the basic theory of the fuzzy cellular automata we define the fuzzy cellular automata model .

    通过对模糊元胞 自动机的基本 原理的分析,定义了模糊元胞自动机模型。

  • Otherwise this paper also discusses the theory of cellular automata itself tries to put fuzzy logic into the cellular automata and gives the definition of fuzzy cellular automata .

    另外,本文也 模糊元胞 自动机 理论本身进行了探讨,尝试着将模糊逻辑引入到元胞自动机模型中,定义了模糊元胞自动机。

  • The characteristics and theory of lattice gas automata have been introduced .

    介绍格子气 自动机 方法 原理与特点。

  • Firstly it introduced the theory of cellular automata and the situation of production safety in our country and analyzed the important problems in the production process according to the characteristics of machinery manufacturing enterprises .

    本文首先介绍了元 自动机 原理和我国的安全生产状况,根据机械制造业的特点对企业安全生产中的突出问题进行分析,并介绍了安全生产 理论的国内外 研究现状。

  • Thus it can be seen that the reduction of the states is very important in the theory and applications of fuzzy finite state automata .

    由此可见,模糊有限 自动机的状态 最小化约简问题在模糊有限 自动机 理论和应用方面具有极其重要的地位。

  • In order to analyze and validate the fuzzy control projects the paper puts forward . We build a simulation model using the theory of Cellular Automata then design and realize the ECTS ( ECNU Traffic Simulation ) traffic flow simulation system .

    为了对本文提出的模糊控制方案进行分析和验证,我们利用元 自动机 理论建立了仿真模型,设计和实现了ECTS(ECNUTrafficSimulation)交通流仿真系统。

  • The theory of finite automata is the mathematical theory of a simple class of algorithms that are important in computer science .

    有限 自动机 理论是一类简单类算法的数学理论,这些算法理论这些数学虽然简单但对计算机科学很重要。

  • State machine theory is a research direction of finite automata theory .

    状态机 理论是有限 自动机理论的一个研究方向。

  • CHINESE CHARACTER FINITE AUTOMATA THEORY The Theory of Cellular Automata and It 's Application in Cryptography

    细胞 自动机 理论及其在密码中的应用

  • A brief description of the basic theory of cellular automata is presented with research and analysis of reversible cellular automata and toggle cellular automata parallel encryption model .

    本文主要工作 如下简要介绍元 自动机 理论,研究并分析了可逆元胞自动机和触发元胞自动机的并行加密模型。

  • Secondly some correction and enhancement are made to the theory of interface automata and then the revised theory is applied to the compositional analysis and verification of software architectures .

    然后在此基础上对接口 自动机 理论进行了完善,并 研究了该理论在软件体系结构的组合分析与验证中的应用。

  • It combines the theory of cellular automata and fuzzy rule to establish a model of fuzzy cellular automata . Thus the pixels whose grey level is between object and background can be handled well and good result of image segmentation can be got .

    将元 自动机 原理 演化 规则 为模糊规则建立模糊元胞自动机模型,使图像中灰度水平介于目标和背景之间的像素得以更好地归类,从而得到较好的图像分割结果。

  • First of all we establish a simulation model of traffic road based on the theory of cellular automata .

    首先,利用元 自动机 理论建立了主干道交通的仿真模型。

  • The basic theory of cellular automata the ways how algorithms are designed based on cellular automata and the security of the algorithms have been discussed in this thesis .

    本文主要 细胞 自动机的基本 理论、利用细胞自动机构造密码的各种方式及其安全性进行了研究。

  • Theory and application of Lattice Gas Automata and Lattice Boltzmann Method in fluid flied is discussed in detail .

    本文详细叙述了格子气 自动机和格子波尔兹曼方法的 基本 原理以及其在流体力学中的应用。

  • The structure of feedforward inverses is a fundamental problem in the invertibility theory of finite automata .

    前馈逆有限 自动机的结构是 有限 自动机可逆性 理论中的基本问题。

  • Those are K circle theory ⅰ and ⅱ . The complexity of cellular automata dynamic behavior is studied .

    研究了元 自动 机动力学行为的复杂性。

  • The algebraic methods is used in the theory of product of fuzzy automata to study the transfer ( output ) structure of fuzzy finite state automata that is to study the characteristics of fuzzy state transition ( output ) function .

    模糊 自动机的乘积 理论,就是用代数手段去研究模糊自动机乘积的转移(输出)结构,即模糊状态转移(输出)函数的特征。

  • A Semi - ring is introduced to describe input memory finite automata and their compositions ; an algebraic treatment is given to the weak invertibility theory of nonlinear finite automata relative basic decomposition and the concept of nonlinear kernel are introduced .

    引入半环描述输入存贮有限自动机及其复合运算, 非线性有限 自动机的弱可逆性 理论进行了代数化处理,提出相对基本分解并引出非线性核的概念等。

  • In Chapter 1 we introduce the background core notions main contents of the invertibility theory of finite automata and its applications in public key cryptography-the Finite Automaton Public Key Crypotsystem ( FAPKC ) .

    在第一章,我们介绍有限 自动机可逆性 理论产生的背景、核心概念、主要研究内容、以及它在公钥密码学上的应用-有限自动机公开钥密码体制(FAPKC)。

  • With the theory of finite automata the model can not only provide dynamic formal expression ability for licenses of digital rights management but also provide strong competence for formal reasoning in practical applications of the rights management system of digital production .

    结合有限 状态 自动机 理论,该模型不仅能够提供数字权限管理证书的动态形式语义,而且能够为数字产品权限管理系统的实际应用提供较强的推导能力。

  • Fuzzy language is very important in the theory of formal languages and automata . The theory of fuzzy regular languages is the central part of the theory of fuzzy formal languages and it connects the theory of automata with practice .

    在形式语言和自动机理论研究中,Fuzzy语言显得特别重要,而Fuzzy正则语言是Fuzzy形式语言的核心部分,是 自动机 理论与实际相结合的一个桥梁。

  • In order to explore the factors affecting health evolution of knowledge-based enterprise organism the modeling theory of cellular automata is adopted for analyzing the interactions between core intelligent units sustaining intelligent units and dynamic environments .

    为探索影响知识型企业生命体健康演化的因素,采用元 自动机建模 理论 研究了核心智能单元、支持智能单元与动态竞争环境相互作用对知识型企业生命体健康演化的影响。

  • Based on the theory of cellular automata evolving cellular automata ( ECA ) model is set up considering the fundamental of rock mechanics .

    演化细胞 自动机模型是以细胞自动机 方法的基本 理论为基础,结合岩石力学的基本原理提出的。

  • In chapter one we introduced some basic knowledge the major achievements in algebraic methods chief concepts and notation on the theory of cellular automata .

    这部分简单介绍了元 自动机的基础知识,以及国内外学者利用代数工具对 自动机进行 研究的一些内容,并给出 自动机的基本概念和记号。

  • By analyzing the theory of Deterministic Finite Automata ( DFA ) and ARS a DFA model based on animal character is established .

    通过对有穷 自动机 理论 动物识别系统进行分析,建立了一个基于动物特征的确定型有穷自动机的模型。

  • In this paper we make a summary of the theory of classical cellular automata and then put the fuzzy logic into the cellular automata model .

    总结了经典元胞 自动机 模型 理论,并在此基础上把模糊逻辑引入元胞自动机模型中。

  • The main subject focused here is to apply the theory and methods of Cellular Automata to the field of the simulation and research of the modeling of city transportation system which possess the capability to perform large scaled real-time simulation .

    论文应用细胞 自动机 原理和方法,对城市交通系统进行建模和仿真。

  • Based on the theory of the physical cellular automata ( PCA ) and genetic algorithm an evolving cellular automata is put forward .

    基于细胞 自动机 理论和遗传算法,提出了一种物理细胞演化力学模型( ECA)。

  • In the classical theory of formal languages and automata the complex proofs have been resulted in due to the limitations of mathematic tools that were selected and the readability of the proofs is reduced .

    在形式语言与 自动机的经典 理论中,由于所选用的数学工具的局限性,造成了证明的繁杂性,降低了证明的可读性。