theory of space

[ˈθiəri ʌv spes][ˈθiəri ɔv speis]

[法] 外层空间学说

  • Combining the homogeneous matrix transformation theory of space mechanism and computer graphics we raise the general principle and motion simulation 's method of complicated mechanism which is represented by spacial multipole structure of open chain .

    通过将 空间机构学齐次矩阵变换 原理和计算机图形学 原理相结合,提出了以空间多杆开式链机构为代表的复杂机械系统运动三维图形仿真的一般原理和方法。

  • Through exploring into these two approaches I tried to put forward the third approach of Hakka folk brief study adopting anthropology theory of space and place .

    本文通过证实这两个研究观点,用人类学的“ 空间-场所” 理论来提出客家民间信仰研究的第三观点。

  • It is also an important developing direction in ten-five period . Start to research the theory of space spectral estimate since 30 years ago .

    关于利用 空间谱估计算法进行DOA的 理论研究已有30年的历史。

  • The Perspective Theory of Space Perception

    空间知觉的透视 理论

  • The new concept of the theory of space and time is established based on the analysis of measurement mechanism in space navigation .

    在分析航天导航测量机制的基础上建立了 时空 理论的新概念。

  • Finally we 'll compare the results of computation with that of experimentation and with the precise from calculation by customary finite element method in the elementary theory of space member structures .

    最后与试验结果作了比较,并用精确的 空间杆系有限 计算作了验证。

  • A new theory of space forecast for Loess Landslides

    黄土滑坡 空间预报的一种新 理论

  • However many Chinese professionals have doubts about the translation of the words of'space syntax'because this seems to set a barrier for Chinese to understand the theory of space syntax .

    然而,很多专家感觉“空间句法”这个词语翻译得较为晦涩,不利于 空间句法 理论的理解。

  • Consequently the theory of space solving all kinds of equations is established .

    从而为求解各种方程建立了 空间 理论 框架

  • Light the Perception of Spatial Magnitude and Geometry & Reconsidered Hume 's Theory of Space from Newtonian Perspectives

    光,空间量知觉和几何学&从牛顿的光学 休谟 空间 思想

  • The second part is the fundamental theory of space superficies .

    第二部分是 空间地上权的基础 理论

  • This paper discusses the theory of space coding and introduce the equations according the computer graphics.The3D data can be gotten from measurement and those equations .

    本文着重论述其测量编码 原理,并以计算机图形学为基础讨论、 推导得到其计算方程组。

  • The research on the basic theory of space right is the premise to construct the space right legal system .

    空间权的基本 理论研究,是构建空间权法律制度的前提。

  • FEM and theory of space engagement incorporated contact strength main stress envelope on root of tooth load distribution among teeth and effect that assembly error to transmission strength has been studied in this paper .

    本文利用有限元分析方法,结合 空间啮合 原理,对侧隙可调式蜗杆传动的接触强度,蜗轮主应力分布,齿间载荷分配以及装配误差等进行了研究。

  • The conception of pseudovecters is an indispensable cornerstone of the theory of space inversion .

    赝矢量概念是现有 空间反演 理论不可或缺的一块重要基石。

  • The environmental arrangement of the Dong Minority and architecture camps also show its faraway cultural memory and the nation 's theory of space .

    侗族村寨的环境安排和建筑营建亦体现了该民族悠远的文化记忆和该民族的 宇宙论

  • The theory of space and time is established on the basis of analysis of the measurement mechanism of space time and motion .

    本文从分析时间、空间及运动的测量机理出发建立时间和 空间 理论

  • On the basis of the elastic theory of space this paper analyzes the stress of safety barrier of highway bridges impacted by vehicle and clarifies the damage modal of the wall type of safety barrier .

    空间弹性 理论角度,对公路桥梁墙式护栏在汽车碰撞力作用下的墙体进行应力分析,找出墙体破坏区域,明确了碰撞后墙体的破坏形式。

  • The centerline of elastic rod or elastic filament can be abstracted as space curves to deal with them by the knowledge of the theory of space curve and differential geometry .

    由于弹性杆的中心线或弹性细丝可以抽象成空间曲线,然后根据 空间曲线 和微分几何的知识进行处理。

  • The paper presents a theoretical base which for information system construction . The theory of space mathematical base of large scale GIS and the digital earth is a new theory for GIS overcoming the shortage of traditional spatial mathematical base .

    阐述了一种新的GIS理论成果:大型GIS与数字地球的 空间数学基础理论,该 理论克服了传统空间数学基础理论的不足。

  • Calculational theory and numberical method on the large deformation stability analysis of space bar structures The large deformation stability analysis theory of space bar structures is finite element theory on geometric nonlinear problems .

    空间杆系结构大变形稳定性分析 理论主要是关于几何非线性问题的有限元理论;

  • Construction of space operation lab ( SOL ) and research on the theory of space operation and military spaceflight simulate technology are very obviously important for the future stratagem priority of space operation .

    建立空间作战实验室,大力开展 空间作战 理论与军事航天技术仿真研究,对于未来谋求空间作战战略主动的重要性不言而喻。

  • In the paper the complete and systematic theoretic study about this process is carried out with the theory of space mesh .

    本论文利用 空间啮合 原理,对该新工艺进行了全面系统的理论分析。

  • Based on the study of Geotechnic test data of loess and 50 more examples of loess landslides this paper presents a new theory of space forecast for loess landslides .

    在对黄土力学性质大量测试的基础上,结合50多个典型黄土滑坡灾害实例的研究反演,提出了考虑滑出条件的一种新的黄土滑坡 空间预报 理论

  • The Theory of Space Vector Reactive Power

    空间矢量无功功率 理论

  • According to the theory of space truss with variable angle the effect of pulling force on torsional ultimate strength of members is analyzed . A formula for calculating ultimate strength of reinforced concrete tortional members is presented .

    按照变角 空间桁架 理论分析了轴向拉力对构件抗扭极限强度的影响,并提出了钢筋混凝土构件抗扭极限强度计算式。

  • The measurement principle of space time and motion and the theory of space and time

    时间、空间及运动的测量原理与时间和 空间 理论

  • Based on the test results of 8 tension-torsion members and pure torsion members formulas for calculating the ultimate strength of tension - torsion members are derived according to the theory of space truss with variable angle .

    本文依据8根拉扭构件和3根作为对比的纯扭构件的试验结果,按变角 空间桁架 模型推导出拉扭构件极限强度的计算公式。

  • In the fifth part we try to construct the theory of space frame space shape space interface .

    第五章希望建立 空间结构空间形体空间界面的设计 理论构架;