thermal conduction

[ˈθɚməl kənˈdʌkʃən][ˈθə:məl kənˈdʌkʃən]


  • This method simplified consists essentially in simplifying the valuation of the thermal conduction flux in xylem components and that of the thermal convection flux from heat source to surrounding air .

    它简化了木质部组分 传导 热流和热源与环境空气的对流热流的估算(从三对热电偶减少到一对)。

  • Thermal conduction is very efficient in high temperature plasma of for examPle a protogalaxy .

    在类似于原星系里的高温等离子体介质中, 传导具有很高的效率。

  • Based on the situation of welding thermal conduction and thermo-elasto-plasticity research this paper explores some problems in this field .

    本文根据焊接 传导及热弹塑性的研究现状,对如下两个问题进行了探讨。

  • Taking the ohmic heating and thermal conduction into account the explosive events are further studied in this paper .

    考虑焦耳耗散和 传导效应后对太阳爆发事件作进一步研究。

  • Through finite element technique the equation of thermal conduction and curing kinetics were dispersed to ordinary differential equation in both time domain and spatial domain . The coupled equation between temperature and curing degree was also solved .

    通过有限单元法将 传导方程和固化反应动力学方程在时间域和空间域内离散为常微分方程,并解决了温度和固化度之间的耦合关系。

  • The new model suited to various laser processings is established by analysing the thermal conduction Model .

    分析了 激光加工的 传热方程,建立了一适合各种激光材料加工的新模型。

  • In this dissertation based on having analyzed the structural thermal conduction thermal stress and thermal vibration the thermal flutter numerical calculation is studied .

    本文在结构 传导、热应力和热振动分析的基础上,进行了热颤振数值计算。

  • Thermal conduction of science cells transmit the heat evenly to floor surface reducing energy wastage let the heating systems worked more well .

    科学的 散热孔,将热量均匀、高效地 传导至地板层,减少能量流失,优化地板使用效果。

  • Dielectric and thermal conduction properties of SrBi_4Ti_4O_ ( 15 ) materials

    SrBi4Ti4O(15)陶瓷材料介电和 导热性能的研究

  • One of the Thermal Conduction Calculation of Heat Exchanger Used in Petrochemical Engineering & The Determination of Density of Hydrocarbon and Its Mixture

    石油化工用换热器 传热计算之一&烃类及其混合物密度的确定

  • Thermal conduction of a symmetrical structure is a basic problem in power engineering .

    轴对称 传导问题是能源动力工程中基本问题之一。

  • The process of thermal conduction for missile is presented . Accelerating factor and method is discussed .

    根据导弹 温度 试验综合 环境可靠性 试验 环境 筛选的要求,对导弹 传热过程进行了理论分析,讨论了加速因素和加速方法。

  • The variation of the temperature stress refractive index and laser efficiency of a high power double clad fiber laser due to the thermal effects is theoretical analyzed by using thermal conduction equations .

    运用 传导方程对高功率双包层光纤激光器的热效应带来的温度、应力、折射率和激光效率的变化进行了理论和数值的分析。

  • This paper find a new temperature correction method through analyzing thermal conduction and convection of Hot Film .

    本文通过对热膜的 传热机理进行分析,找到一种温度修正方法。

  • Research of Thermal Conduction Model and Thermally Conductive Equation of Polymer Matrix Composites

    聚合物基复合材料 导热模型及热导率方程的研究

  • There are many different ways and instruments to measure the coefficient of thermal conduction .

    测定 导热系数的方法和仪器有多种。

  • The relations between thermal conductivity of carbon fibre / epoxy-resin composites and various volume concentrations of fibre V_f and temperature have been discussed . The thermal conduction mechanism of Carbon fibre / epoxyresin is researched and a lot of results are given in this paper .

    本文讨论了树脂基碳纤维复合材料热导与各种纤维体积含量Vf及温度的关系,研究了树脂基碳纤维复合材料的 传热机理,并给出了大量的 导热系数数据。

  • An unsteady thermal conduction model of its envelope was built and the dynamic load was calculated .

    以某一 低温实验装置为例,建立其围护结构非稳态 传热数学模型,对动态负荷进行计算。

  • This paper gives out a method to calculate curing and temperature of polyurethane reaction system with n-degree expression of reaction dynamics and equation of thermal conduction .

    采用n级反应动力表示式和 传导方程建立了描述聚氨酯反应模塑(RIM)体系固化和温度的方法,并进行了相应的理论计算。

  • The thermal conduction size effect along surface layer of micrometer scale SiO2 film is studied .

    对微米尺寸下的石英薄膜 传导尺寸效应进行了实验研究。

  • The results show : for small scale oil tank theory of one-dimensional thermal conduction model is avaiable .

    实验结果表明:对小尺度油罐,一维 传导的理论是可行的。

  • Difference numerical simulation for two dimensional thermal conduction equation is studied .

    研究二维 传导方程的差分数值模拟。

  • In this paper the non-linear welding thermal conduction was analysed by finite element method .

    本文采用有限元法对非线性焊接 温度 进行了分析,提出了 局部 干法 下焊接 温度 计算的数学模型。

  • Heat can be delivered by convection radiation and thermal conduction .

    热气可由对流、辐射和 传导来传递。

  • The coefficient of thermal conduction always increases with the measurement temperature and the density of the foam materials .


  • A new theory of thermal conduction the reaction rate theory has been established .

    本文从传质反应速率理论的基本思想出发,建立了一个新的 传热理论& 传热反应速率理论。

  • The thermal conduction of a composite medium with variable thermal conductivities is discussed .

    讨论了可变 导热系数的复合介质的 传热性质。

  • Hamiltonian system was introduced for the thermal conduction under steady state .

    通过引入哈密顿体系,提出一种求解二维稳态 传导问题的辛方法。

  • In the study a new thermal conduction model is proposed for filled Epoxy resins with metal particles .

    本文研究了树脂基复合 材料 热导 ,提出了环氧树脂中加入填料的新 导热模型。

  • Thermal conduction property of uhmwpe / lldpe / bn composite plastics

    UHMWPE/LLDPE/BN复合塑料 导热性能研究