
[ ˈrɛslɚ][ˈreslə(r)]


  • When we turn to the parable of the king 's wrestler and his lost jewel we encounter some very interesting facts .

    当我们谈到国王的 摔跤 和他失去的宝石时,我们遇到了一些非常有趣的事实。

  • Six feet eight built like a wrestler arms hanging down to the ground .

    他有六英尺八英寸高,长得就像一个 摔跤 他的手臂长得好像要碰到地上了。

  • Besides strength a wrestler also requires speed agility flexibility and coordination .

    除要求力量外, 摔跤 运动员还要具备速度、 耐力、灵活、柔韧和协调等素质。

  • Moreover the wrestler 's jewel is a panacea-it can eliminate all infections .

    更重要的是,这个 摔跤 的珍宝是一个万灵药-它可以去除所有的感染。

  • A : Are you a wrestler or a boxer ?

    你是 摔跤 运动员 ,要不就是拳击手?

  • He 's sweating like a sumo wrestler running a marathon .

    他出汗的状态就像正在跑马拉松的 相扑 运动员

  • E.g.He is a wrestler who took on all comers .

    他是个接受所有新手挑战的 摔跤 运动员

  • The wrestler ( was ) weighed in at 160 pounds .

    摔角 角斗 称了体重,是一百六十磅。

  • The wrestler finally met his match .

    这个 摔跤 终于遇到了劲敌。

  • You some kind of wilderness female mud wrestler ?

    你是泥地女 摔跤

  • WWE history one of the most famous professional wrestler .

    WWE历史上最著名的职业 摔跤 之一。

  • You wanna be good a wrestler ?

    你想做 摔跤

  • At seventeen he was a big athletic youth a great wrestler and runner .

    17岁时他是个身材高大、体格健壮的青年,是个优秀的 摔跤 运动员、赛跑运动员。

  • Peter thought he was a good wrestler but I took him down .

    彼得自以为是 角力 能手,但我 了他的锐气。

  • Which wrestler is your favorite Davis or John ?

    你袒护哪 摔跤 ?是大卫还是约翰?

  • She 's also done stints as a wrestler and has some experience acting .

    另外她做过一段时间的 摔角 选手,还有过当演员的经历。

  • She wonders how a wrestler got smart enough to be a doctor .

    她想知道一个 摔跤 怎么能聪明到可以当医生的。

  • His mother wanted him to go into the church but he went his own way and became a professional wrestler .

    他的母亲要他做牧师,但他一意孤行,成了一名职业的 摔跤 运动员

  • The wrestler tripped up his opponent .

    那个 摔跤 运动员把对手绊倒在地。

  • A doctor weighed in the wrestler .

    医生给 摔跤 称体重。

  • The sumo wrestler floored his opponent .

    摔跤 运动员打败了他的对手。

  • For committing a foul a wrestler is penalized one point or may even be disqualified .

    犯规 运动员的处罚可以罚1分甚至取消比赛资格。

  • She is a professional wrestler .

    她是一名职业 摔跤 运动员

  • He is by far the biggest wrestler .

    他显然是 身材最高大的 摔跤 选手

  • You have to be crazy to be a wrestler .

    你真是疯了,竟然要做一名 摔跤

  • Daisy is talking with Samson about Kelly williams the female wrestler .

    黛丝和山姆森正在讨论女 摔跤 凯莉?威廉斯。

  • The wrestler succeeded in throwing his opponent .

    摔角 把对方摔倒了。

  • She met her husband professional wrestler George Zaharias while playing golf ; they married in 1938 .

    在比赛中,她遇到了她的丈夫,专业 摔跤 运动员 乔治亚·札哈里亚斯(GeorgeZaharias);他们于1938年结婚。