


  • The LORD hath said unto me thou art my son ; this day have I begotten thee .


  • Behold thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing .


  • My mother state to thee I kneel .

    是我的母亲州,我愿跪在 面前。

  • I have already told thee what I am !

    我已经告诉过 我是什么了!

  • The Lord is with thee .

    主与 同在

  • It has avenged thee !

    它已经替 报复了!

  • And he saith unto him Out of thine own mouth will I judge thee thou wicked servant .

    主人对他说,你这恶仆,我要凭 的口,定你的罪。

  • Wherefore say my people We are lords ; we will come no more unto thee ?

    我的百姓为何说,我们脱离约束,再不 归向 了。

  • I 'll give thee money for thy mare .

    我为你的母马给 钱。

  • I cannot forgive thee !


  • Death I make use of thee but I hate thee .

    死,我利用 ,但是我恨你。

  • I miss thee beloved father .

    亲爱的父亲, 孩儿想念

  • O LORD my God I cried unto thee and thou hast healed me .

    耶和华我的神啊,我曾呼求 ,你医治了我。

  • He would sign off each week with the catch-phrase ' I 'll see thee ! '


  • - not to thee !


  • I will answer thee and thy companions with thee .

    我要回答 ,和在你这里的朋友。

  • Follow love and it will flee ; flee love and it will follow thee .

    求之不得,不 自来

  • It brought thee hither .

    是它把 带到了这里。

  • I will declare thy name unto my brethren : in the midst of the congregation will I praise thee .


  • I have kept thy precepts and thy testimonies : for all my ways are before thee .

    我遵守了你的训词和法度。因我一切所行的,都在 面前

  • Have not I commanded thee ?

    我岂没有吩咐 吗?

  • Thou dost smile I sing the while Sweet joy befall thee .

    你笑了,我唱起了歌,小甜心乔伊 降临了。

  • Thy wheel and thee we neither love nor hate .

    对你和 的车轮我们既不爱也不恨。

  • The darkness is no darkness with thee .

    有了 ,黑暗不再是黑暗。

  • But to thee the Lord our God mercy and forgiveness for we have departed from thee .

    然而慈悲和宽宥应 归于上主我们的天主,因为我们实在都背叛了他。

  • Jesus saith unto her I that speak unto thee am he .

    耶稣说、这和 说话的就是他。

  • I know thee Hester ; for I behold the token .

    我可认识 ,海丝特,因为我看见了那个标记。

  • Israel shall cry unto me My God we know thee .

    他们必呼叫我说,我的神啊,我们以色列认识 了。

  • For I love thee O Eternity !

    因为我爱 ,永恒啊!

  • Did he who made the Lamb make thee ?

    难道是他造了 也造了羊羔?