thermal conductor

[ˈθɚməl kənˈdʌktɚ][ˈθə:məl kənˈdʌktə]


  • At this time the failure causes of thermal resistor is more thermocouples wires compensation conductor or transmitter amplifier failure caused .

    此时的故障原因多是热电偶、 电阻、补偿 导线 断线或变送器放大器失灵造成。

  • The paper analyzes the reasons of producing pulse spike in the experiment of measuring thermal conductivity of poor conductor by flash method . The experimental apparatus and data acquisition method are designed in order to reduce and eliminate the disturbance of pulse spike .

    分析了用闪光法测定不良 导体 热导率实验中脉冲尖峰产生的原因,并在实验装置和数据处理方面设计了减小和消除脉冲干扰的方法。

  • Previously a usual practice aiming to raise the line transmission capacity was to improve its ampacity or thermal rating by means of increasing the conductor cross section or its clearance to terrain .

    提高输电能力的常用做法是通过增加 导线截面或对地距离来改善输电线路的载流容量或 额定值。

  • Utilizing heat sink is effective to reduce the thermometer heat load due to the thermal conductor of the leads and to increase the accuracy of the temperature measurement .

    运用热沉能够有效地减小由引线 导热引起的温度计的热负荷,提高温度测量的精确度。

  • Research and improvement on experiment for measuring thermal conductivity of poor conductor by flash method

    闪光法测定不良 导体 热导率实验的研究与改进

  • The paper analyzes origin and connotation of thermal stability calibration formula from basic concept of insulating conductor thermal stability and discusses some means for thermal stability .

    从绝缘 导体 短路热稳定的基本概念出发,分析 稳定校验公式的由来与内涵,探讨满足绝缘 导体 短路热稳定要求的多种办法。

  • Study on the Improvement of Calculation of Steady State Measuring Thermal Conductivity of Poor Conductor

    稳态法测量 系数的计算方法改进研究

  • Comparative study on two cooling modes in the thermal conductivity measurement experiment of poor conductor

    不良 导体 导热系数测量实验中两种冷却方式的对比研究

  • The Application of the Microcontroller Unit in Transient Measuring Thermal Conductivity Measurer of Poor Conductor ; An Compact ADI Difference Method for the Heat Equations with Variable Coefficients

    单片机在非稳态法测定不良 导体 导热系数中的应用变系数热传导方程绝对稳定的紧交替方向差分格式

  • Computer aided measuring the coefficient of thermal conductivity of poor conductor

    计算机辅助测量不良 导体 导热系数

  • Short - circuit Thermal Stability Calibration of Low Voltage Insulating Conductor

    低压绝缘 导体短路 稳定校验探讨

  • The temperature difference between the thermal conductor and the glass substrate was also studied .

    此外对 石墨 热体 置于其上的玻璃基片两者之间的温度差别做了初步研究。

  • An application of the theory of thermal wave : dynamic measure of the heat conductivity of a good thermal conductor

    热波理论的应用&良 热体热导率的动态法测量

  • And follows a method about measuring thermal conductivity of non-fixed form ( grain powder ) ill conductor is given .

    进而提出一种测量非固定形状(粒、末等)良 导体 导热系统的方法&稳态圆球法。

  • Computer aided data gathering and processing technology about measuring the coefficient of thermal conductivity of poor conductor in engineering colleges physical experiment are introduced and experiment results are given .

    介绍了计算机数据采集及处理技术在不良 导体 导热系数测量实验中的应用及取得的结果。

  • Rare earth sulfur compounds for high melting point low thermal conductivity and by the ability to shift between doping in the metal conductor and an insulator and high Seebeck coefficient and electrical conductivity Can improve the conductive performance of sulfur electrode in lithium sulfur batteries .

    稀土硫属化合物具有通过自掺杂在金属 导体与绝缘体间转变的能力,以及较高的 电导率,可以提高锂硫电池中硫电极的导电性能。